6- Mr Giraffe

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Started Typing On – 14/04/2019

Chapter 6- Mr Giraffe

Siya's Pov:

I rushed my wet body into the bedroom with an old towel in my hand. It wasn't too big to cover up all the mess but could definitely make a huge difference to the wet floor in my bedroom. I throw my heels outside my bedroom, letting my already numb and cold feet touch the cold water flowing on the floor. It's fine. Normal. Normal. I chant in my brain in order to ignore the icy rain water. Stepping into the room carefully without slipping I drop the big navy coloured towel on the floor to soak up some of the water.

My panicky eyes landed on the bucket dripping more water on the ground and my trembling lip let out a frustrated sigh. I hate Delhi. I hate the rain. It felt like god just hated me so much that he poured the whole world's problem into my head. Sometimes it felt like I'd explode from all the on-going problems. Sometime life just felt too hard, too hard that I wish I was just some rich spoilt brat with everything served in my plate without having to move my hand around.

I stalked over to the bucket filled with water in rag, picking it up I tried not to spill any water on the way but of course, being clumsy as I am and tried few splashes landed on my way until I tipped the whole water into the sink. To my misery, the water didn't directly make its way into the sink, some fell on the floor and right on my numb cold feet and I jumped. "Ughh!" 

I look around the kitchen, there weren't any dishes because I hadn't cooked anything this morning. Good, don't have to wash dishes. But my wet clothes were still lying flat on the chair, there was no way the sun would come out any soon. I sighed picking up the chair with my wet sleeved arms and dropped it in the living room with a thud. "What do I do now?" I didn't have a heater to help in any way.

Then I remembered, It's Sunday tomorrow. No work. I had a day to fix up my wet clothes. Walking into the room I just wanted to sleep and retire on the bed. I mean, dark cold and rainy days with clouds hovering above us are meant to be lazy sleepy day! That's what I wanted to do but work never left me. My mother use to say 'those who run away from work, work runs behind them,' seems like the opposite is happing to me. I shove away her lectures and start squeezing the life out of the wet towel inside the bathroom.

Those whole one hour and around twenty minutes—even if it was less it felt like forever—I repeated the same task, throwing the towel into the wet floor until it soaked up the water then walk all the way to the bathroom with the wet towel and squeeze the water out. At last, I finally succeeded. "I need tea Amma." I call out, exhausted and then I realise after not hearing a reply back that I lived alone.

Well, no tea then. After working for an hour or so with wet clothes and after a tiring day I couldn't be bothered making tea though I craved it so much. I make my way to the bed but stop feeling the tiny wetness still under my cold feet, it needed air. I open up the windows a little and regret it the second later once the cold breeze invaded my personal space. I need to leave the window open though. I just open up the curtain a little to give enough space to the fresh rainy air to come on in.

I changed into my normal top and a pair of pyjamas, ready to close the window when I saw a little boy trying to look into my room. I walked closer to the window with curiosity and once being sure he's a little boy, around seven or nine, all alone, I wave with a small smile. I think he didn't expect me to wave at him or acknowledge his small presence because he looks behind himself to make sure he's seeing properly.

He points at himself, his eyes showing astonishment and his innocent face curving into a bright smile when I nod. He waves up, not just a small wave but a big one with so much energy as if his life depended on it. He lived in the opposite building to me, right across from my bedroom to his own—or his parents. I wanted to ask what his name was but my phone rang from inside and I had to answer it. I waved at him telling him I'm going and his smile drops but he waves back.

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