64- 'She's Here'

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Because I understand quarantine is boring!

Started Typing On – 26/03/2020

Chapter 64- 'She's Here'

Early this morning—after Ridhi caught Siya in her house—Rohan had explained Siya's house had a leakage due to the old flats and pouring rain and since it's not in a good condition he decided to help her out.

Ridhi likes Siya but it did sound absurd to help a young women who he wasn't as close friends with. If only Ridhi knew how close of friends they were. The mother and son had a little disagreement—which was surprising to him—about helping Siya.

Ridhi doesn't care about anyone or anything as long as her son's happy. After all, he's her only ray of sunshine and support system but her love can't be taken advantage or nor can her coolness. "But we only have two bedrooms, Rohan. A—she's a wonderful sweet little girl but it's just—it's odd having her as a guest. Doesn't she have any other friends?" She had said.

"Ma." He pressed like only this empathized name was enough for her to understand. "She needed my help."

"We're not charity case, Rohan." She injected in the morning. "I will accept her as a guest but not tenant. I just want us two or another person who'd be your wife." Ridhi hadn't ever been this stern with him or firm. It made Rohan guilty for hiding the truth.

"And what if I say I love her?" He softy asked. His head down. Heart like a piece of glass that he was afraid would shatter once again but this time he wouldn't be capable enough to pick up the pieces.

"Then I would say," Ridhi's voice trailed away. Too speechless. "Then I would say don't make the same mistake."

Rohan remembers the conversation from morning when he watches Siya buying powdered colours for tomorrow. "Don't buy too many Siya. We're all going to Verma's house to celebrate Holi tomorrow."

He was correct. The brothers had invited their employees to their house for a big bash holi party. Partly thrown by Yug majorly because of all the happiness he's gained—his adopted son, Yash and now his own baby with Khushi on the way. Of course he was living the dream and was more than happy to celebrate.

"Yes, I know. I'm just buying some so your Ma ca—"

Rohan looks away from her, pained. "She—she doesn't play Holi. She's never played it after my father." Silence pings around them like a deep hallow hole.

"Ohh." She Siya only buys on packet of typical red coloured powder. They were walking back to his parked bike in silence when Siya asked about the photo frames in his room. Rohan instantly smiles, forgetting about his father.

"The photo with Ma was taken just before Neha's wedding started." He recalls how excited he was for her big day nearly a year ago. "And the other photo of my gang and I was taken around two years ago. We were in Goa."

"Before Khushi and Neha got married." Siya mutters gazing at Rohan beside her.

"Yeah." He scratches the back of his nape. "We decided to meet up and have a friend's trip and catch up since we'd been busy lately with our jobs. Strangely but I had applied in Yug's company before heading for the trip. I get accepted and realize later on he's my best friend's future husband. Destiny, I guess?" he raises his arms in the air and lets the wind drop them down.

"Hmmm. Destiny." Siya hums. "God works in a different tune." Rohan looks at her and gives an agreeable nod. "I also applied for my position here without realizing Harsh's brother owns the company. And now look?"

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