37- The Glances

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Sorry for the late update, I've had things going on (important things) with school and my personal life.

But for those who were irresponsibly rude on my last update. (Like one or two people) LEARN TO HAVE SOME PATIENCE! Everyone's got a limit, and I've lost mine. I openly welcome private messages and comments which say 'update' and I'm fine with it because it motivates me to write more, and I don't take it negatively. That does not mean you can write anything.

I don't forget to update, you can see it from the date record I write on every single chapter to show how much of time I spend on writing these books and chapters. If somebody doesn't update, it's quiet obvious and common sense indicating the person is BUSY with things. If those few people can't handle around ten or eleven days of wait, I'm sorry, you're on the wrong App because I know Author who publish only one chapter in ONE whole week and some disappear for months without completing the book so don't you give me shit about 'forgetting.'

And don't order me. I'm not your servant. If you can't respect someone and wait, you may leave, I'm not going to beg you to read my books because I'm very straightforward and I don't know how to do formalities. Thankfully I've got 99% of those lovely readers who understand me and the reasons behind my absence.

This message wasn't for everyone but those one or two people who drove me nuts for the past week. Next time I'm just going to block.

Started Typing On – 25/07/2019

Chapter 37- The Glances

Author's Pov:

On the third day of the Work-trip to Pune they all woke up early—like always—but the atmosphere was different today. The girls were talking—of course—but Payal had her eyes on Varun to notice his each move while Mary and Siya watched Rohan with suspicious eyes. The only reason Mary was looking at Rohan was for her own friend's wellbeing and Siya watched to find some sort of hint of his feelings towards her.

Vijay, unlike other days, today he sat away from Varun. He couldn't stand being in the same room with his colleague after all the lies Rohan had fed him. Every time Varun unintentionally looked at Vijay and their eyes locked, the married man—Vijay—would give him a disapproval look full of disgust.

What did I do? While Varun tried to find a possible reason behind Vijay's distaste, Rohan couldn't help but let a smile slip from the corner of his mouth. He sipped onto his hot tea slowly when he noticed Siya. He took in her appearance swiftly with another sip, this time it was small as he tasted the flavour thoroughly in his mouth.

She had her jet black hair pulled back in a French braid from the visual he got when she twisted her face in the other angle so Rohan won't catch her staring right back at him. There were no 'few strands' of hair blocking her eyes from seeing the world, the hairstyle enhanced her face even more than before. If somebody would just glance at her, their full attention would be on her face.

Siya wore a maroon checked woven shirt dress with a high neck but she left a button open because of the heat. It had long sleeves—she wore it just incase if it was windy out—with a fabric belt matched with the colour of her dress, falling just few inches below her knees.

Rohan shook his head, biting in a smile. She carries herself with this sweet aura around but she explodes like a lion. He couldn't forget every time she answered him back taking him by surprise. Siya felt his eyes constantly on her making her nervous. Gripping her phone in her hand she stood up, proceeding to work.

Rohan gives Varun the –do-I-go-with-her look, his eyebrows arched, desperate for an answer. Varun throws one look around him so nobody catches him communicating with Rohan through his eyes. He raises his hand and starts to act like scratching his itching eyebrows as he throws Rohan a 'yes, go'

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