72- 'You Take The Best'

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While my dad makes me Tea, enjoy the longest chapter I've ever written for this book.

Started Typing On – 04/04/2020

Chapter 72- 'You Take The Best'

Everyone was sleeping. She sits on the steep hill outside her small house. The air was colder at night, causing her to shudder under her shawl and lips go cold. Most people didn't step out of their houses at night because, well, Villages are still scary in terms of wild animals and spirts.

Funny, humans are afraid of dead evil spirts when the living ones lurk around us.

It was so quiet and peaceful. For once no sound. Just the wind howling once in a while. "Thought I should join you." His voice was coarse under the dark sky with stars. Sitting beside her—leaving space between them like her father had warned—he looks up, admiring the view.

"Should you be sleeping?" She mumbles quietly. "The bus rides exhausting." She hugs her knees, wrapping the shawl around her whole body.

He watches and smiles. "No, it's not." Because I was excited to meet you. He glides his cold palms over his sleeveless arms and wines realizing his hand's cold. "Damn," he grunts warming his hands and blows air.

She stands up and leaves leaving Rohan startled and confused. A little sad too. He stays sitting thinking maybe he'll spend some time alone then, when she returns with a shawl for him. "Here. It'll keep you warm." She hands it to him with a bored expression as if she's been ordered to help him. Like she'll be anywhere but with him, with this stranger.

"Thanks," he's not sure if smiling would show his gratitude so he only nods wrapping it around himself. "I haven't been to a village for so long." His eyes go small, trying to remember when was the last time he visited one.

"Then why come?" She questions. Quietly. Body rocking back and forth. Her hair blocks her view from her left eye and she pushes it back behind her cold red ear. "Why come?" She asks again, exasperated.

He gives her an are-you-kidding-me-glance but doesn't lose his temper. He didn't stay up late at night restlessly tossing around his bed for six weeks to get angry with her.

Typed Again On – 05/04/2020

"Because I was worried about you." He's looking far ahead into the dark distance. No street lights, utter silence and pitch black as if the village was a mirror image of the sky. "I wanted to meet you." His voice is aching just like his swelling heart from missing her.

Siya looked confused, almost stunned with the revolution, forgetting he's asked her hand in marriage until the truth returned to her head. She blinks rapidly, uncertain with where life way taking her. "I'm sure wanting to meet someone is different to proposing." She retorts icily.

"What is wrong?" His voice grows a little harder but with a nice touch of concern. He faces her—turns his body to her too—showing how much he cares about her wellbeing. "Did something happen over here?"

She shakes her head—he takes it as a no—but Siya doesn't know if the list of 'what happened' would finish by the time it's morning. "My parents won't ag—"

"Your father seemed pretty impressed and overwhelmed with me, though." He heart beat was in his ears, beating like loud drums in excitement with a joyful smile covering his lips.

She swallows a bubble of anger and shakes her head, telling him who much she disagrees—with what? That he's not sure of. Her lips part letting go of a heavy and unhappy sigh. She felt trapped. "You don't get it. For them you're a guy who's willing to marry their daughter who ran away. Maybe you're the best guy they can find for me too but—"

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