Chapter 14

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3rd Person POV-

"Love, wake up." Niklaus tells his mate, trailing kisses down her back and shoulder. He had woken up earlier to make her breakfast, knowing she would be hungry when she woke. Feeling a light touch on her body Angel slowly opened her eyes, met with the sight of her hybrid. Smiling at him Angel grabs his neck lightly, pulling his lips to hers.

"Good Morning." Angel whispers against his lips, a smile on her face. Pulling away Niklaus walks out of the room for a second before returning, this time a plate of food and a empty glass in his hand. Setting the food down Angel watches as her mate sets up a tray, setting it over her lap.

Angel watches him set the food on her tray, fruit salad and an omelet, her favorite. Grabbing fork Angel digs in, moaning at the taste. So engrossed in the food Angel didn't notice Niklaus biting into his wrist and pouring his blood into the empty glass.

Chuckling at his mate, Niklaus sets the glass of blood down on the tray as well. Knowing she would need it after the night they had. It was their second day in Italy and he had planned a day inside, a movie night with snacks and such.

Niklaus watches his mate eat, a smile on his face. He had eaten earlier in the morning, before making her breakfast. Niklaus had wanted to do something special for her, hence why he made her breakfast.

"You're being creepy." Angel tells Niklaus, setting her fork down on her empty plate. Angel had noticed him staring at her the whole time she ate. Snapping out of his thoughts, Niklaus chuckles at his mate. Bending down to his mate and giving her a small peck. Her mouth tasting like the fruit she had just ate.

"I couldn't help it, Love. You look to beautiful." The blond hybrid tells his mate, a charming smirk on his face. Not expecting his words, Angel blushes. Turning as red as a cherry tomato, she could never control her blush.

Grabbing the plate Angel sets it on the side table. Standing up from the incredibly soft bed Angel winces, her whole body was sore. Niklaus had surely not been soft.

Catching the wince all laughter was whipped from the hybrids face. Had he been to rough? He hoped he hadn't hurt her. Speeding over to her Niklaus picks her up bridal styler, making a squeal exit her mouth.

Biting his wrist Niklaus holds in to her mouth, signaling for her to drink. He noticed that she hadn't drank the other glass he had given her. Maybe by giving her his blood it would help her heal quicker.

"Sorry, Love." Niklaus tells his mate, his voice heavy with sadness. He really hadn't meant to hurt her the night before, he had just gotten carried away. Grabbing his wrist, Angel brings it up to her mouth. Drinking the blood that it offered.

It was something about her mates blood that made her moan, she had never tasted anything better. When she finished Angel gives his wrist a small kiss, watching the wound begin to close.

"Nik," Angel tells him, turning around to look into his eyes. "You didn't do anything wrong. You weren't to rough. I'm just a little sensitive." At her words a smile starts to grow on his face. No one had been able to tell what he was thinking like she had before. All it took was one word from him and she knew what her ment.

"Thank you, Love. You don't know how much those words mean to me." Niklaus tells the small blonde in his arms, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

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