Chapter 4

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We kiss Posie goodbye , my heart feels heavy to leave her here alone. She has never lived without us and it scares me a lot. I take her in my arms and kiss her murmuring I love you again and again. William too takes her in his arms and kisses her , he promises to bring plenty of chocolates and gifts for here. That prevents her from crying. She frowns when we wave and sit in the cab. Susan holds her and waves at William, she makes sure not to maintain any eye contact with me which is absolutely fine by me.

When I see the destination on the ticket , I squeal in excitement. I always wanted to go to New york and now when I am it just doesn't seem real. As soon as we reach to out hotel , I strip and jump in the pool. Our hotel rooms are so amazing , with our own pool , jacuzzi and everything I could ask for. Will quickly jumps in with me and we both swim and splash each other.

Will picks me up and goes towards the bed , I know what's going to happen next but when I hear the words leave his mouth , I'm in shock .
" Let's have babies"

" What? Really?"

He nods and starts kissing me. We had decided to wait for 4-5 years to have another child. There were complications while having Posie and we almost lost her . I was scared , not for myself but for my baby so we both had decided to wait then for a few years and not take any risks. We visited doctors and made sure that nothing serious happens if I'm pregnant again but the energy in me was gone and I just couldn't bear to have another baby.

I knew Will wanted children , he loved them but I just couldn't. I had almost lost Posie and I wasn't in a mental state to have one again. William was very nice about that , he understood and never forced me to do anything that I didn't want to even though he was hurt.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about having a baby. I wanted to talk to Will about it but never got the chance . I'm quite shocked that he said this himself.

When we have sex , it's the best one yet.

The next day we go to look around for a while , we take lots of pictures and send them to Posie. Posie's gifts are something that we make sure to buy without fail. I buy a bracelet for Susan as well.

As we lay down on the beach , I can't help but stare at William . He has his shirt off and wow , the view is just amazing. He makes it extremely hard for me to keep my hands off him. When he catches me staring at him , I quickly look away. I start applying sunscreen when I catch Will looking at me . He doesn't look away but keeps gazing at me , we keep an eye contact while I move my hands on my neck, spreading and applying the cream , I apply it to my cleavage , my arms and stomach and William stares at me all the while. I blush under his gaze and punch his arm playfully " stop staring " . He smirks " you make it very hard not to " .

We go back to room and get ready for dinner. Will doesn't tell me where we are going for dinner so I keep asking him again and again hoping he will get tired and tell me anyways. I get confused once we reach the beach , it looks empty and I look at Will questioningly. He takes my hand and  we walk for a while and then I see it.

There is one table arranged for us , there are candles everywhere . My eyes widen at the sight . When I look at Will , he is already looking at me.

" This is so beautiful " I tell him. He kisses me on the forehead and we both go and sit , he takes his chair and shifts besides me. We both eat , laugh and when I gaze at him I wonder how I became so damn lucky.


I'm so sorry , I forgot to update yesterday. Anyway I'm going to update only once a week because it's really hard for me to write and update both my books twice a week.

Let me know what you think of the book so far.

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