chapter 16

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My eyes snap open when I feel a stung on my cheek.

" You are going to scream all night ! " William yelled .

" No! William ! I'm pregnant , please stop ! I don't want to do this ! Please ! I'm begging you "

But he didn't. My throat hurt at the end of it . I couldn't even scream . Whenever I would go unconscious he would slap me awake. My cheek hurt , my wrists were purple . I wanted it to stop. It hurt so much . He was so drunk that He didn't even care about the baby. I don't know how long he did that for but I couldn't take it any longer.

My body was numb , I wanted it to end . I wanted to die . It hurt me to even think that William would do something like this to me. I never thought he had it in him. Whenever he hit me , whipped me , it never even crossed my mind that he would try to force himself on me . That too while I am carrying a baby.

I didn't do anything and yet I am paying for it. If only I would have stayed with Posie that day , this wouldn't be happening right now.

A sob leaves my mouth when he slaps me again. I knew my cheeks must be swollen by now .

" Please .. please ! I can't .. please stop William .. please ! I'll die " I sob but it only makes him angrier.

I wanted to pass out so bad but he wouldn't let me . I just wanted to sleep.

I flinch when he collapses on me . After a few minutes he is fast asleep. I waited for a few seconds and then pushed him off me and quickly got out of the bed. I couldn't walk and each step sent a shock through me . I locked myself in the basement room. I never thought I would willingly come here .

I cried


I felt nauseous and sick when I woke up. I heard noises in the living room so I quickly took a bath and dressed up. I was terrified to face William. I wanted to stay in my room forever but I wanted to see who it was outside. Maybe I could ask for help. So I quickly went ignoring the pain between my legs. My cheeks were black and swollen but I didn't cover them.

I limped in the living room and when I saw the person standing there , my blood went cold. Anger surged through me and before I knew what I was doing, I strided towards Williams mom and slapped her hard. She staggered back and her eyes went wide but I didn't stop. I slapped her again harder .

" You bitch ! You fucking ruined my life , you cunt ! I will fucking kill you ! It was your fault , you fucking liar !" I screamed at her

She kept running but I held her and shook her so roughly that I knew she would see stars. I raised my hand to slap her again but I was roughly pushed back. Someone held me but I couldn't care . I tried lunging at her but suddenly I was shoved towards the floor.

" What the fuck are you doing ?" William yelled

" Why didn't you watch her when I asked you to ? I told you to keep an eye on her ! No matter how much you lie it won't change the fact that you killed her!" I scream at her

" William ! She..she slapped me !" His mother says

Shiver runs through me when he looks at me but I ignore him.

" Oh my god ! You're so hurt because of a slap? Your son raped me yesterday . He kept slapping me when I went unconscious. Look at what you did to my family , you bitch ! I hope you rot in hell"

William pulls me hard and drags me towards my room . I don't bother fighting or struggling. He pushes me inside .

" You're not getting out of here " he says and leaves locking the door behind him.


It's been two days and I feel really sick. I puked so many times but I didn't knock or scream for help. I didn't eat for two days straight and it's starting to get to me. I don't care about myself but I want to feed the baby so I knock on the door . I hear nothing so I knock again and scream his name. I suddenly start panicking.

I keep knocking till my hands are red. He doesn't come and I get terrified . Every worst scenario runs through my mind.

I lie down on the bed trying to calm myself. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't come. How long do I have to be in this room?

I start crying again.

I flinch when I feel a cramp in my stomach. I groan when I feel it again. I try to calm myself but it does nothing. It gets harsher and harsher each time.

I stagger towards the door and start knocking again , banging as hard as I can.

" William please open the door ! Th.. there's something wrong with the baby. Please open the door ! "

I keep banging and pulling at the door. My nails break but I still try. My eyes water as I see the blood .

" ! Please no! "

I bang harder

" William please open the door ! I'm begging you !! Please! I'll do anything ! I'll listen to whatever you say but just please let me out ! I have to go to the hospital ! The baby.. please "

But the door never opens

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