Chapter 10

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William harshly picks me up by grabbing the leash. I was asleep when I was suddenly woken up. My neck ached as he picked me up like a rag doll . He removed the belt and I felt a bit better.

" Go and take a shower ! I should see you ready in 10 minutes " he says

When I see my reflection in the mirror , I'm met with someone else. Her eyes are swollen , one side of her face is purple and her neck is all bruised purple and black . The belt clearly left bruises . I wasn't shocked to see that. I quickly brushed my teeth and got in the shower. I wanted to stay under the warm water for longer but I was afraid what William would do if I took more than 10 minutes.

I quickly came out of the shower and I gasped when I saw William standing there already. I quickly covered my body and turned around.

" God! Stop thinking so highly of yourself ! I'm not interested in looking at your body . " He says and goes outside. I was a bit hurt by the comment but I ignore it . I get dressed and go downstairs.

" You took 11 minutes to take a bath , I'll punish you for this later . Now this is a list of all the things you have to do ! If I find anything out of place and if there's anything you didn't do on the list , you will receive your punishment ! Is that clear ?" He says and hands me the list. There are more than 40 things on that list.

I quickly start doing my work . I have to clean the whole house , make lunch and dinner and literally do all the things. When I'm done my back hurts so much that I can hardly stand. William sits in the living room watching tv . I go to him and tell him that I'm done .

" Good. Time for your punishment then " he says and tells me to go and wait upstairs.

I go and sit on the edge of the bed , when he sees me ,he comes and pushes me on the floor .

" You are not allowed anywhere near my things ! You will remember your place ! If I see you touching my things again then there will be one more scar on your body . Is that clear?"

" Yes s..sir"

He brings the leash and ties the belt around my neck. He makes me sit on my knees . I scream as he passes a current and increases it's frequency. I cough when it finally stops and I notice the blood on my nose . The blood doesn't stop and keeps dripping on the white tiles. I lower my head so he doesn't see the blood but he spots the blood on the floor and screams at me to clean it.

"Tomorrow David is coming for some important office work , if you try something stupid you will regret it "


The next day William doesn't remove the belt . He gets ready and goes downstairs when he hears the bell. When William told me yesterday that David was coming , I was happy because I would get to eat something but now that he hasn't released me , I don't think he has any plan of taking me downstairs. I lie down on my back and stare at the ceiling. My eyes get droopy after a while and I fall asleep.

I gag as I wake up, bile rises in my throat . I quickly try to run in the toilet but the chain slams me back. I heave and puke everything on the floor. I feel disgusted and the smell makes me want to puke again. I try to ignore the bitter taste in my mouth . I shift backwards away from the vomit and start crying. I feel dirty . I haven't eaten in so many days and it's driving me crazy. I was never the type of person to miss meals. Infact I love food. I would always order fast food or cook something .

I tug on the belt to loosen it. I open the bedside table and find a nail cutter. I open one of the blade and start cutting into it when suddenly the door opens. I quickly hide it and watch as William enters the room. His gaze falls on me before moving on the puke. He grimaces and covers his nose. He comes towards me , opens the belt and tells me to clean it.

I feel a little calm when the belt is finally off me. I quickly take the chance and go in the washroom to rinse my mouth and then I clean the mess.

" Go and make dinner " William says

I nod and go downstairs. I make a little extra for me as well. I quickly check if William is around and when I don't see him , I stuff some food in my mouth. My stomach growls and I quickly take another bite. I drink as much water as I can to mask the hunger. My gaze goes to the chilly powder . I glance behind me and then put spoonfuls of chilly powder in his food. I mix it properly and then I feel a bit better. To make it more annoying I add some spoonfuls of salt as well.

When I go in the dining room , William is already siting there his attention on his phone. I place the plate in front of him and go and stand in a side. I wait for him to take a bite and when he does , I watch as his face turns red . I smirk as he gasps and drinks the water. After a few moments his gaze falls on me , he angrily picks the plate and smashes it against the wall behind me. I jump and move to the side covering my head . He doesn't stop , he hurls the glass and whatever utensils there are on the table.

His chest heaves due to heavy breathing . He is extremely angry I realise. I want to run but I feel like I'm freezed. It's too late to take everything back. I did it and now I have to face the consequences. I still don't regret it. I would never physically hurt William , I wouldn't ever physically hurt anyone no matter what they did to me. I don't have it in me. I feel angry at him infact I am angry at him but no matter what I still have a little love left for him.

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