Chapter 20

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A month later

I step outside my room when I hear William leave. I quickly go in the kitchen and make myself some tea. A month and everything is still the same. He hasn't allowed me to get out , I'm still cramped up in this house. Whenever he leaves , I roam the house and as soon as he comes , I return back to my room , to the basement.

I don't know for how long we are supposed to do this. He has to let me out or I'll eventually die here. I sit on the sofa and watch some movies to pass the time.

I end up falling asleep and when I wake up it's dark. I quickly check the time and start to rush towards my room . I'm off the sofa when the door slams open. I freeze and turn as William enters. My hands start to shake and before I know what I am doing, I run towards the basement.

I almost reach the door when he grabs me and slams me to the door.

"Why were you running? What did you do?" He screams

" Nothing! I didn't do anything"

" Don't fucking lie to me " he said and picked me up and carried me over his shoulder.

" Wh..what are you doing?"

He didn't say anything and carried me towards his bedroom. I stopped breathing when he opened the door and I suddenly realised what he was about to do.

" Let me go ! Let me go ! I screamed and thrashed on his shoulder.

As soon as he dropped me on the bed , I scrambled and tried to run towards the door but he grabbed me and pushed me back on the bed.

" Please ! Let me go ! I won't tell anyone anything. I'll get away from you "

He doesn't.

I cry harder as he pulls me by my legs and tears my gown. I shut my eyes as he rapes me. I don't cry . There are no tears left so the only thing I can do is close my eyes and wait for him to finish.


She isn't here when I wake up. Her torn gown is still on the floor . I pick it up and throw it in the bin. As I check my phone and see the date , I realize that it's her birthday.

I used to make her a cake on her birthday . I used to cook dinners , we would go on the beach , have a little picnic and have the most amazing sex.

I push those thoughts out of my mind and go to work. On my way I think about checking on her but I don't. I get 2 missed calls from Mom but I ignore them.

When I go back home, everything is as I left it. Usually Amelia would come out and watch Tv or cook but today it seems that she didn't come out at all. There's no leftover food . My mind screams at me to check on her.

I debate with myself and then finally go to her room. As I open the door , I can hardly see anything. It's so dark and suffocating that I get the urge to get out of there . I let my eyes adjust to the dark and that's when I see her curled up on the floor in a corner.

I don't understand how she manages to sleep here , it's so dark and cold. There are no mattresses or blankets .

I shut the door hard enough to wake her up. She flinches and when she sees me , her eyes widen and she pushes herself in the corner.

" Get up and come with me "

She shakes her head

" Do you want me to carry you then?"

She shakes her head again

" For fucks sake ! You have a fucking mouth so speak "

She starts crying softly. My anger rises as I watch her cry . I roughly pick her up and drag her towards the kitchen. She doesn't resist. I hardly notice how thin she is . I make her sit on the chair in front of the kitchen island . She quietly sits there .

I boil some water and go towards her. I slam her on the island and turn her around so her upper body is halfway on the island and she faces me. I take the glass and pour the water in her mouth . She gasps and starts coughing violently, she screams as I keep pouring. She tries to punch and hit me but it is as if fighting with a child. I squeeze her mouth and keep pouring. When she starts to get red and dizzy I stop.

She falls off the stool as I let her go. Her body shakes as she tries to stand and she falls back down.

" If you ever disobey me like that again, I'll do worse"

She doesn't say anything

" Do you want another round?"

She still keeps quiet

I clench my fist and grabbing her by the hair, I slap her hard. Just as I'm about to slap her again , the doorbell rings. I sigh in annoyance and go to open the door.

My eyes widen as I see my Mom standing there.

" Mom? What are you doing here?"

" Why? Can't I come visit my son?" She says

" Of course you can but you didn't even call to say you were coming"

" Well! I wanted to surprise you ! If you want I can leave "

" Mom! Of course I want you to stay.

She comes in and make herself comfortable in the living room. When I go back in the kitchen , Amelia is no longer there. I remind myself to punish her later.

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