You Give Birth

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December 8th, 2018 9:42AM

A thin layer of sweat had accumulated on your forehead as yet another contraction wracked through your uterus. It had been 6 hours since you were admitted, but your progression had slowed and your contractions were holding steady at 3 minutes apart and you were only 4 cm dilated.

Tom was glued to your bedside, offering his hand to you whenever a contraction would hit, but they were getting really intense.

"You got it darling, just breathe," Tom cooed as your body tensed and you let out a strangled moan. You knew it was hard for him to watch you in pain, but he was holding his poker face for you. He moved a piece of hair that was stuck to your forehead and kissed the back of your hand as the contraction ended, but no matter how much he comforted you, it fucking hurt.

"How we feeling?" The nurse when she entered the room.

"Oh just dandy," you replied breathlessly, making Tom chuckle and kiss your knuckles again. "When can I get an epidural?"

"Let me get the doctor to check your cervix and he will determine if its the right time," the nurse smiled, exiting the room with your chart.

You can do this you thought to yourself, taking in a deep breath and focusing on your daughter's heart beat that was over the speakers to the EFM. The pain was like nothing you'd ever felt. Every contraction felt like your uterus was doing a 360 inside of you and the waves of pain were making you nauseous.

After three more contractions, Dr. Wyatt entered the room with your chart in hand.

"So i hear you want to see about getting an epidural?" Dr. Wyatt asked, and you nodded your head quickly while Tom answered him aloud.

"Alright then, let me just check your cervix."

Dr. Wyatt pulled on a white glove as the nurse from earlier helped you pull your knees up. Tom stayed by your head, per your own request, and Dr. Wyatt went in to feel your cervix.

"I'd say about 5 cm now. Just in time for an epidural," he smiled, making you sigh in relief and smile at Tom.

Thirty minutes later, you had the epidural needle in your back and you almost felt like you could sleep. The contractions were dulled back to a mild ache and you could barely tell when they were at their peak which was a complete 180 from before.

Tom visibly relaxed too since you weren't in pain anymore. He sat on the chair near your bed, feeding you ice chips upon request and texting all of his friends that he was about to be a dad. Every so often, he'd go out to the waiting room and update his family, who were all anxious to meet the newest little Holland.

More hours passed and Dr. Wyatt was getting a little worried that you weren't progressing fast enough. The baby was fully turned and ready, but your cervix was still only 5 cm after almost 12 hours of labor.

Soon, a nurse came in with a new medication to add to your IV.

"What's that?" you asked coyly, eyeing her hand.

"This is Oxytocin. This will stimulate more contractions and hopefully help your cervix to dilate a little quicker," she said, while putting the syringe in your IV. You nodded and looked over at Tom who sent you a reassuring smile and then went into the bathroom.

Once the drug was in your system, you noticed a difference. The pains were creeping back up, despite the epidural and it felt like your body was going into overdrive, trying to push the baby out. Only thirty minutes had passed when Dr Wyatt entered again to check your progress.

"My goodness Y/N, you're already at 9 cm," he said, shocked, but nonetheless happily. Your eyebrows rose and Tom almost spit out his water at the doctor's words. You both thought it would be a couple more hours before you started pushing, but apparently not. Dr. Wyatt called for the nurses to bring in his cart with all the sterile tools and they began getting you ready to deliver your daughter while your head was spinning.

The nurse helped you put your legs in stirrups while they gave Tom a dress cover so he could cut the cord and hold the baby without contaminating anything. He pulled the cover over his clothes and tied it in the back while you looked at him, the nerves finally catching up with you.

"You got this, darling," Tom whispered softly as he took your hand in his and the nurse put an extra pillow behind your head to help you bare down when you pushed.

Once you were in the position and Dr. Wyatt was settled in his, you started to feel the urge.

"Okay, Y/N, we are going to push through every contraction, okay?" Dr. Wyatt said, and you nodded, the anticipation of the next contraction following up with you.

Tom had one hand on your knee to help hold your leg up, but his full attention was on you.

"Here come a contraction. We're going to push for 10 seconds, then take a breath and do it again until the contraction ends. Ready? Push!" The nurse exclaimed and you did just that.

You started pushing as hard as you could and honestly, it was the longest minute of your entire life.

"Good! Good job, now breathe," Dr. Wyatt coached, while Tom helped you count out your breaths.

You weren't sure how long you were pushing for, but when she came into the world, everything stopped. The only thing you were listening for was her cry and when it pierced your ears, the tears started to flow.

They set her on your stomach as she wailed and she was beautiful. She had Tom's dark hair and his nose, you noticed right away, and your lips.

She had all ten fingers and toes ans she was perfect.

Tom's hands were shaking as the doctor handed him the scissors to cut the umbilical cord, but he really wanted to do it. You watched his face light up as he looked at your daughter and it only made you feel like your family was complete.

They whisked her away from you to clean her up and run some tests on her lungs and reflexes. You hated seeing her be taken to the other side of the room, away from you. You'd gotten to know each other so well over these last nine months and you wanted to hold her forever.

You were all patched up within minutes and that's when they brought her back to you. She was swaddled in a white, pink, and blue blanket with a pink hat on her little head to cover her dark locks. Tom had completely forgot to go get his family in the waiting room because he was just so in love with his little girl as were you.

"Tom, go get them," you nudged him as he leaned down to give her yet another kiss. He sighed, giving you and her both another kiss before going out to the waiting room.

He returned with his brothers, parents, Harrison, and Tuwaine following him close behind. The chorus of "aws" was almost cued as they got their first look at her. Tom smiled and approached you, taking her out of your arms and holding her close to his chest.

"Everybody, this is our daughter, Charlotte Nicola Holland." 

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