Chapter 18

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Gabriel and I had already woken up, ate and had showers. By now it was 12 o'clock and I was excited.

Cali, Layla, Leo, Spartan, Gabriel and I were going to the fair. My first ever fair!

I wore a red tank top that cut down into a small v-neck (not to much cleavage shown), some washed out light Jean's and some black flats.

I grabbed my black purse by the chain (the strap), the chain was silver and the black had a unique design on it. I put my phone, some hair elastics, my charger, chapstick and some trusty sunglasses.

Since I've been here not only did my style go up but I got brand new things like a cell phone. It's pretty foreign for me, but I'll get used to it.

I put the purses strap around my shoulder and walk out of my room, my hair swayed at my hips as I walked down the stairs, immediately smelling Gabriel already down there with Cali, Layla, Leo and Spartan.

I don't really like Spartan from the stunt he pulled last night, but I'm atleast going to be nice to him.

Gabriel pulled me to his side as soon as I reached him, his arm wrapping around my shoulder.

Of course Leo and Layla hadn't known because nobody told them. So they pipe up, "what the hell?" Leo says.

"You shoulda known that they were mates, Leo," Cali snaps.

"I-" Leo looks over at Cali narrowing his eyes, "did not."

I roll my eyes chuckling, "can we go to the fair now!?"

And off to the fair we went.


Gabriel and his pack own some nice cars, so when we pull into the parking people-especially girls, are looking at us.

One girl decides to be brave and walks up to Gabriel with me at his side.

"Hey, what kind of car is that?" She blushes.

"Its a Camaro SS 2019," I deadpan, Gabriel chuckles as I cross my arms and pop out my hip.

Other girls are around Spartan and Leo. Leo had no interest in them at all, but Spartan...

Layla was obviously becoming upset as Spartan lead on the girls saying things like 'I'll give you a ride sometime,' and all that. And I understand. I'd be fed up if Gabriel started doing that.

The girls expression infront of me goes from sweet to mean, "was I talking to you?" She snapped.

"No but you were talking to my boyfriend, so get the fuck outta here," I hiss back at her.

'Boyfriend?' Gabes voice pounds through my head and I just want to burst out laughing from the confusion in his voice.

"Well maybe he wants a newer model," she points to her and her body, "I mean if I was him I would have broken up with you ages ago," she chuckles.

"Let's go to the fair," Gabriel chuckles moving her out of the way holding my hand. No, no, no, we are going back there and I'm ripping her head off of her body.

Gabriel is holding my back leading me towards the fair as I'm struggling to turn around and tell her who's boss.

Gabriel's chuckling, "Dawn, it is okay."

"It's not okay, I want to rip her preppy ass head off of her plastic body," I make hand motions.

"Calm down," he chuckles giving me a kiss on the top of my head which instantly calmed me. Damn you for being able to do that to me.

We all walked up to the fair, paying for our bracelets we start walking around going on different rides.

So far we went on the roller coaster which was SO fun, the tilta whirl, and the bumper cars. But now were going on the ferris wheel. It was getting dark out and all the rides lights turned on, it looked so magical outside.

The cold air went down my lungs so quickly and so smoothly it was refreshing. Gabriel and I sit down on the ferris wheels seats and get buckled in.

It starts moving up in the circular form. I shivered a little and moved in closer to Gabriel,  he wraps his warm sweater around my shoulders. I leaned into him anyways and put my head on his arm. It would have been his shoulder if he wasnt so damn tall.

You could see the water from afar, and the sunset was mesmerizing, I fell in love. The night air was chilly but refreshing. My heart beat faster, Gabriel's warmth filled me leaving tingles around my body. I could hear his heart to, it was just like mine.. thump thump thump.

I wish everyday were like this. Beautiful, relaxing and fun.

I look up at him, "I never thanked you so thank you for saving me," I smile, "I never knew love until now. And this-" I point to everything around me, "this makes me happy."

"You don't need to thank me," Gabriel's voice deep, "I wouldn't have ever been able to give you up. You're mine."

My heart thumped faster, I loved it when he said that. The ferris wheel then stopped at the top after doing a rotate.

I wrap my arms around him in a hug, "I love you," I smile.

"I love you too," he smiles back, then gently puts his hand on my chin and brushes my face up towards his while his moves down to my level.

His breath teased my lips with small air kisses. His eyes full of lust and wanting. He pulled me closer to him and puts his hand through my hair brushing it.

Then his lips meet mine in the most gentle way. It started out slow, his lips soft and moved in such a way it felt tingly. I push myself closer to him, needing to be closer. I felt the lost and attraction build up. And soon enough I wouldn't be able to hold myself back.

He pulls back, "I love you, Luna."

"I love you too," I smiles back.

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