Chapter 9: The ignorance

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Some people are generic. They make generic responses, and they expect generic answers. They live inside a box, and they think people who don't fit into their box are weird. But I'll tell you what, and generic people are the odd people. They are like genetically-manipulated plants growing inside a laboratory, like indistinguishable faces, like droids. Like ignorance.
C. JoyBell C.


I arrived at a giant skyscraper, written on it -BARONE PUBLISHING COMPANY-! I entered and was directed to the chief publisher's office by a woman at the front desk of the entrance.

"Good morning sir, I'm Gisella Molinero." I smiled genuinely at the tanned skin plus handsome man who is known to be the chief publisher.

He returned the smiling gesture. "Why are you so nervous, Signorina? Am I handsome?" he spouts mockingly. I looked at the name tag on top of his desk - chief publisher, Russo Durante. What is wrong with cute men nowadays? Adorable but frustrating species.

forcing myself to laugh. "Uh...Yes..." I wipe the sweat from my forehead nervously. He stands up Immediately. He's tall, the same height as Signore Nicolo... ugh, talking of the mood swingman.

"It's for you then," he says.

I yelled on a low pitch, In surprise. "What is for me?"

"I am satisfied with your potentials and experience, so this question is to test you if you will look at me in disgust and walk away, but you didn't," He said, laughing with a trail of Italian accent mixed in his voice. He gestured me to my desk and left.

The interviewer just now is a Strange man. Why are all the men that I've to meet in this my life strange? He is like genetically-manipulated plants growing inside a laboratory, like indistinguishable faces, like droids. Like ignorance.

"Hello, did you pass the interview?" A lady around my age or even younger questioned from the right side of the other desk. I guess that's her desk.

I smiled politely. "Uh...yes, I guess so."

With a nod, she smiled at me, revealing her perfect space teeth. "I'm  Leonora Ferruccio, but you can call me Nora, Will be Colleague then." She winks at me.

"How did you answer the question of the Publisher?" She furrows her confused eyebrow at me.

I wince. "Did you also answer the same question that I was asked?" I ask anxiously, wanting to know If men are only strange to me.

She giggles. She looks naive to me but friendly. "Well, you can tell that the chief publisher is good-looking, so he always asks that question to know who is serious about being part of the company," she says out of unison.

With my twitched brows. "What about you?" I ask in determination.

she looks at me fair enough. "Even with him being good-looking,  I have a better fine man by my side so that I won't be affected by him," she said out of honesty.

"Hey, new girl, don't be lazy, come and have these documents and file them." A harsh voice full of annoyance was heard from behind me.

I turned to see a tall lady with red hair cut to men's length, and her blue eyes were full of terrifying things that I don't like to explain. The way her voice sound shows She doesn't like me. I was speechless and collected the documents from her. She turned and walked away instantly; the documents left her hands to mine.

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