Chapter 40: The Smart Caruso's

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-4 years later-

Gisella has been upset with Nicolo since last night, she decided not to talk to him. They all sit down together at the dining table.

"Mama,  Why are you not talking to our Papa?" Maria's small voice interrupts the bad glare that Gisella was giving to Nicolo.

Nicolo puts down his coffee and looks at Gisella with a smirk. "No, that's not true," He reaches out his hand to remove a strand of hair from Maria's face.

"Then why did you sleep in my room if you love our Mama," The grumpy shade of Nicolo speaks. Marco Is a bit strict with everything.

Gisella's eyes and Nicolo's widened in shock hearing such words from the four years old Marco Caruso.

"That's true, Marco," Maria intervenes. "Why did Mama sleep in my room last night, instead of sleeping together with Papa," she added.

"I've warned you to stop calling me Marco. I am your elder brother, call me Brother Marco," Marco raises his voice at Maria.

"Common, " Maria flings her hand in the air, rolling her eyes. "We came into this world together," she mouthed with her broken teeth.

"I am still older than you because I am two seconds early than you sorellina!" Marco smirks at Maria.

"Don't you f*cking dare call me your kid sister," Maria groans.

"Don't you dare use the F-word again," Marco warns Maria?

Gisella's words in her month vanished. Nicolo was just staring at Marco who was busy eye beating his younger sister.  Maria frowns at him. "Or else what?" she asked.

"That's enough for both of you. " Nicolo interrupts the sibling's word fight. "I and your Mama are on good terms," he added with a smile as he rubs the top of Gisella's hands.

Gisella furrows her eyes at him and smiled back at Marco and Maria. "We are on good terms," she says in between grinding of teeth.

Marco and Maria look at each other and smirks. They look back at their Papa and Mama. Gisella Mama was just looking at them over the table, with a stunning face of how grown these two had become. Nicolo smiles sheepishly as he leaned forward and then started kissing her forcefully.

"Grandma, what are they eating?" Marco asks Signora Molinero. "I want to eat too," he added with a drooling mouth.

"Let me go," Gisella says in between the kiss.

"It's nothing, don't look at them ragazzino!"  Giada Molinero covers Marco's eyes with her left hand and Covers Maria with her right.

"Grandma," Marco groans. "I am feeling like a third wheel, I am also a man and I demand to eat too," Marco announced his annoyance in a strict tone.

"Let go of my eyes grandma, I am not interested in such things," Maria grumbles.

"freak, teasing me in front of everyone," Gisella pushes Nicolo slightly away from her sitting position looking at her mother with wide eyes seeing how she covered the kid's eyes.

Giada let go of their eyes. Maria furrows her eyes at her mother who was trying to clear away the blushes escaping from her cheeks. "Mama, what you and Papa did now is disgusting. So I will inquire from you two never to do that in front of me ever again," Maria warns. She rolls her eyes at Marco and continued eating.

"Maria, you know what that is?" Marco asks with a grin.

Maria rolls her eyes at him. "That shit happens on TV,"

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