Chapter 17: The Strange Appointment

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"People are strange, Love is rare, life is strange, people change."- Unknown

The fact is that people are good, Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior. -Abraham Maslow


"You Scoundrel, don't you know that Gisella is not feeling too well?" Signor Giuseppe questions Signor Nicolo angrily, he was just lying down as his blind eyes are fixed on the cream wall. "Even though I made a deal with you to get married to her doesn't mind that you won't look after her," He yells at him.

Signore Nicolo wince."Wasn't she alright when I saw her just now?" He said. He was wondering what his father was thinking. About his father's new plan, he was wondering what Giuseppe Caruso new plan is.

"Wait a minute," Giuseppe Caruso halt Nicolo's words, "Did you just say that you saw her?" he asks curiously. With this, Nicolo stiffens on the bed.

"No, Papa Zeta who was helping me walk to my room, so I heard her because she was on phone and she sounds okay to me," He lied.

Signor Giuseppe relaxes a bit and flames up again."Don't you know that women are delicate? I will call Zeta to assist you to her room." he inquires and went to get Zeta.

Getting to Gisella's room, she was lying on the bed holding her head. Then he told Zeta that she can leave them alone for now. "Gisella?" He calls in a scared voice. She was fine when she was on the phone earlier, this is weird. He thought.

"What is wrong, why are you not feeling well?" He uses his walking cane to get closer to where she was lying down which was the bed. He notices that she looks Faint, he drops his walking cane beside the shelf and sat down on the bed with his hand on her forehead.

'Why is she so hot?' he thoughts.

He can't help it by looking at her beautiful weak Hazel eyes, her well-shaped eyebrow, her small pink lips. she looks so beautiful. He thoughts.

She looks at him with tiring eyes. "Uh...I'm," she held Nicolo's arm that was on her forehead. "Signor Nicolo, I'm feeling so bad." She cries and hugs Nicolo immediately, with this he was speechless with his eyes wide open in shock.

"Pietro doesn't want me so he left me, Viola betrayed our friendship and I'm feeling stressed by the problems of my Job and my parents miss me." She cries on his shoulders heavily. "Don't tell me that you don't want me to!" she added with a stammering voice.

Nicolo pulls her away from his shoulders as he looks at her wet lashes and red nose. "That won't happen," he says, holding her shoulders.

She sniffs. "Swears?" she asks as she shows him her pinky swear fingers. " use your pinky to hold my pinky or else I'm going to die of depression and betrays." she started crying again. Nicolo was just feeling bad as he stares deep into her eyes.

He sniffs. "Gisella, I swear-" he halts. What is wrong with her? she doesn't seem like herself right now, and the Gisella I know don't get one inch closer to me for any reason... except the day she kissed me unexpectedly which I don't know why she did it.

She stares deep into my confused eyes. "Nicolo, why are you... So kind, and handsome" she paused. before he knew it she crushed her lips to his and he froze.

"Gise...Gisella," he murmured. "I won't leave you," he said as he deepens the kiss and lay her on the bed.

The sun was shining so brightly. I turn around and stretch my hand, the duvet fell off from my chest. I was naked but what my eyes saw was unbelievable. It was Signor Nicolo Caruso. I wanted to scream but what will Zia Benedetta, Padre, or Zeta will say to it.

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