A Gathering

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A/N - I only own Autumn, and I'm not really sure how I "own" her...it's probably because my mind made her up or some odd thing like that. All rights go to James Dashner and his brilliant mind.

"What are you doing back?!" a voice shouts from somewhere within The Glade (as the two called it). Well obviously there is more than two people here. So far it only seems to be boys...this won't be awkward at all. A tall boy with dark hair and black skin ran up to us. He was quite muscular and seemed to give off a leader sort of vibe. Newt had stood up next to Minho and the boy had obviously not seen me yet. I felt like I should make my presence known so I coughed and ran my fingers through my hair. The boy shot back as I stood up.

"Aw man, am I really that scary?" I asked standing in front of Newt and Minho by just a bit.

"This answer your question Alby?" Newt stated simply. I gulped as the guy, Alby, approached me slowly. I was nervous and every inch of common sense told me to back away from him but I never really liked common sense anyways. I kept my feet planted firmly in the ground and I locked eyes with Alby refusing to look away or show a sign of weakness. He was towering over me, looking at me as if I was something that someone had just barfed up, but I didn't dare look away. He took a step back and then turned to Newt.

"Where'd you find this shank?" Alby had left me now so I turned to watch the conversation.

"Well she ran into me, literally." Alby was clearly not pleased with Newt's response. "Minho and I were just turning a corner and she just kind of bolted around it and knocked me over and -"

"You know what's a really good idea?" I spoke over Newt. Alby turned slowly to face me, he cocked his head to the side, waiting for my answer. "If you ask the person who you're talking about the questions." I didn't give him time to retort. "For example I woke up in the Maze with no memories at all, then some walls moved and this...Griever, yeah that's what you guys call it, a Griever comes at me so I started running from it, but then the sun came up and it left. Now being human I was slightly freaked out so I didn't stop running and well I ran right into him," I pointed at Newt, "And now I'm here." I placed my hands on my hips and waited for a response.

Alby turned away with his arms crossed and walked forwards a few steps before rotating on his heel and coming back. "I'm calling a Gathering. Minho give her a quick tour, only what she needs to know then meet for the gathering. Newt come with me." And with that Alby walked away with Newt in tow and I was left with Minho.

"So I believe you are giving me a tour."


Minho had indeed given me a quick tour. He wasn't as friendly as Newt but he seemed nice enough. I learned that there were about fourty people here and I was the only girl. There was also three rules I needed to know: everyone does their part, never hurt another glader and never go outside the glade. Ha! I already broke one rule... Everyone had a job, some of which included: Builders, Runners, Sloppers, Bricknicks, Cooks, Track-hoes, Med-jacks, and Slicers. The only one that sounded appealing to me was being a Runner, but Minho said that was very unlikely and if Alby's in charge I wouldn't count on my luck. The actual Glade itself was fairly simple, there was a space for Gardens, the Homestead (where the boys sleep), the Bloodhouse and the Deadheads. There was also an opening to the Maze on each wall of the Glade, so four in total.

I had already memorized where everything is. The last thing I wanted to do was have to ask for directions here. Alby had told us that after the tour we were supposed to go have a...Gathering. Whatever that was, so that was where we were headed.

Minho lead me into a large "building" composed mostly of logs, sticks, and random wood. There were thirteen seats in the room. Eleven of which were occupied by boys that seemed to know way more than I did and that all looked tough. I spotted Newt and Alby sitting together and that they seemed to be the leaders of this, er, Gathering. Wait...is Newt an important person? Hmm, okay maybe barreling into him at full speed was a bad decision. Minho gestured for me to sit in a seat that was placed a little away from the group and then he went and sat over near a boy that I didn't know.

I noticed that all the boys in the room seemed to be older, but still teenagers. Wait! How old am I?! I opened my mouth but then shut it, realizing that this is probably not the best time and place for that question. The second thing I noticed was that everyone was trying to steal a glance at me. They would look at me and then look away as if they weren't doing it. I shook my head mentally, seriously guys? Really? I mean come on.

"Hey, shuckfaces!" Alby yelled over the murmur of the crowd. "If you haven't noticed we've found a girl."

"Actually I found-" I was cut off by shushing. Well fine then. I thought to myself.

"Don't talk unless I ask you to." Alby told me.

"Alright grumpy pants no need to get your panties in a twist." I muttered under my breath causing a boy nearest to me to laugh. He quickly clamped a hand over his mouth and looked apologetically at Alby. Who returned the look with a glare.

"Anyways, we need to decide what to do with her and why she was sent here." Alby finished, waiting for the other boys to offer suggestions. A boy with dark hair stood up and spoke.

"Maybe the Creators are suggesting we might be here awhile..." the boy said with a smirk. I gripped the sides of my chair until my knuckles went white. It took every ounce of self control I had not to shoot across the room and beat the living crap out of that kid. To my relief there were a lot more murmurs against that idea then there was for that idea. Newt stood up now and spoke.

"Well she doesn't have her memory just like us, so maybe we should treat her like a normal greenie." the same reaction was met with Newt's statement. Some people were for the idea and some against. A black boy with a hint of a beard stood up and added to Newts's statement.

"Yeah after all she doesn't really look intimidating or anything," He sat back down, I smiled at him and he smiled back. I might have just made another friend. There were mutters from the crowd saying something like "good that", not that I had any idea what that meant either.

"Slim it!" Alby yelled and the room instantly quieted down. "But she was found in the Maze! She got away from a griever! We don't know how she did that! She could be dangerous!" My heart sank. A lot of people seemed to agree with that. "I say we put her in the Slammer for one night, then we see what she does in the morning." My heart was pounding. The Slammer? What was that.

When the time came the vote was seven to six for putting me in the Slammer and I had evidently lost my case.

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