5: Fat

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As we arrived at Bens house he ran in, I plopped my bike on the grass and fixed my ponytail. I yawned and stretched slightly as swimming really made me tired. Richie and Eddie bickered about something, I followed behind. I looked at my watch and Followed the others into Ben's bedroom. When I looked into the room it had newspaper clippings on the walls and slides strewn on the desk. "Woah." Richie said as we made our way deeper into the small, square room. "Pretty cool right?" Ben asked. "No, nothing cool." Richie joked. "He's joking Ben, he's an ass sometimes. This looks cool." I pointed to a black and white photo. "Thanks Alice." He smiled, I just wanna squish his chubby cheeks. "What's that?" Stan pointed to the big, white, old piece of paper with signatures. "That? It's the charter for Derry township. 90 people signed it, it's what makes Derry a town. Did you know Derry started as a beaver trapping camp?" Ben asked. "Still is am I right boys?!" Richie raised his hand for a high five. I push his hand down. "Shut up." I said and looked back to Ben. "but that winter they all went missing." Ben explained. " They all just disappeared?" I asked. "Yeah there was talk of a plague and rumors of Indians, but the only thing found was bloody clothes leading up to the well." I took a step away to piece all of this information together. "W-where is the w-we'll now?" Bill asked. "I don't know, somewhere in town maybe?" Ben answered. "This is creepy." I shivered. "Yeah." Eddie breathed out.

    We all split after Bens house and began to go home. When I arrived at my house, I walked in and mom and Chris were eating. "Hi sweetheart! Your plates on the counter." I smiled and grabbed my plate. I sat with them at the table and began to eat, sitting across from my mom. We ate in silence (as always) and when I finished I did my dishes and went upstairs to shower. "Don't take to long your mother and I need to shower too!" Chris yelled after me, annoyed. I quickly showered and went into my room, changing into some pajamas and laid in my bed. I looked at my bed side table's clock and saw that it was barely 7 o'clock. Sighing, I pushed myself up and walked over to my record player. I sat one of my well loved records onto the turn table and turned the volume down so it wasn't loud. I let Madonna's voice fill my room. My feet began to pull me into a dance until I was full on spinning and shaking my hips. I laughed to myself as I put my hand on my hips and spun. When I opened my eyes I was in front of my full body mirror. I smiled at myself as I shot finger guns at myself and laughed. My smiles faded as I looked at myself harder. My round tummy and big thighs. My flabby arms and chubby cheeks. Fat. The word was whispered across the back of my skull. I looked away, not wanting to look back again. I pulled a towel from the back of my desk chair and covered the mirror. Sighing, I stopped my record and got ready for bed. As I laid in my pink sheets I though of how disgusting I looked and how much I wanted it to change.

    The next morning I got dressed in something I didn't feel fat in; a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. When I opened my door mom told me I had a phone call. It was Bill, even though I was still mad at him for calling me a bitch yesterday, I agreed to meet him outside in 20 minutes. I quickly pulled on an outfit and brushed my hair. I ate a piece of toast while putting on my shoes. I said goodbye to mom while pushing a vhs tape with her show on it into the player, she patted my cheek and whisked me a good day. I kissed her forehead and walked into the hall that connects the kitchen, the living room, and front door. I slipped on my back pack and opened the door. I closed the door behind me and saw Bill, Eddie, Richie and Stanley. Ben peddling up. "Hi guys." I waved and jumped off the porch. I walked into the garage and grabbed my bike. I walked out with it and jumped on. "Where we headed?" I asked. "No one knows except Bill." Eddie rolled his eyes. "Where we headed Bill?" I asked. "S-s-s-s-somewhere." He responded, his face cold. He must still be mad about yesterday. I just followed silently as we arrived at a nasty apartment complex. "You're here!" Yelled Beverly, thundering down the stairs. That's why he didn't tell us. "I have to show you something." She looked scared. "More than we saw at the Quarry. I'd only like to see Ally in her underwear again." Richie joked. "I'm gonna shove my fist up your as-" I began to threaten. "Will you two just shut up." Eddie yelled at us. "Jeeze." I stepped back. I was embarrassing myself, in front of the friend I tried to make. I huffed and fixed my glasses. I went silent and no one seemed to care I had shut up. Well no one but Richie. He grabbed my hand and brought it up. He played with the bracelets on my wrist and I smiled lightly. I looked at my shoes. "You good babe?" Richie asked quietly. "I'm fine." I mumbled out. He nodded, understanding better than anything how hurtful a shut up or getting called annoying can be.

    "Well leave a look out, Ri-" bill started to say. "I'll stay, I kinda wanna just sit." I smiled at Bill. He rolled his eyes. They all turned to run up the stairs. "I'm gonna stay too, but what to I do if her dad comes back?" Richie asked. "Do what you always do, start talking." Stan retorted. I smiled at his words and sat in the grass. Richie sat next to me. I turned and looked at the town in front of us. "Derry is a fucked place." I mumbled out. "I agree." He smiled. I ruffled his hair. "I wanna go home and sleep. Had a rough night." I laid back into the grass. Ready to fall asleep again. The image of my fat tummy bubbling over the waistband of my shorts kept me up last night. "Why'd you come then?" Richie asked. Picking at the grass. "I was gonna try and talk to Bill, he told Bev I was being a bitch yesterday when we played chicken. Like dude, What the Hell." I closed my eyes as I ranted, using my hands. "I'm just trying to live my life and do my part for the group. Bills the leader, Stans the worrier, Eddies the mom friend, you're the comedic relief, and I'm the Girl." I felt Richie lay next to me. "How am I supposed to be "the girl" if there's more than one girl!" I opened my eyes and turned to Richie on my side, head propped up on my arm. "You're more than just a girl Alice, you're the hot one." He winked at me. I blushed. "Yeah right." I giggled out. I grabbed my backpack from next to me and sat up. I began to look for something to do while we waited. "Mmm, wanna.......ummm ohh! I've got a candy bar and my radio." I said pulling out the things I just mentioned. "Sweet!" Richie said, pulling the antenna out and scrolling to the rock channel. I peeled back the paper in the chocolate and went to take a bite. I stopped myself. Fat. The word was poison, been thrown around my life for a long time. I suddenly didn't want the chocolate bar. I offered it to Richie. "You ever feel shitty just because." I asked as he held the chocolate bar between his fingers. "All the time." He answered. I looked into his big brown eyes, I could tell it wasn't a joke. "Great to know we have a lot in common." I laid back down. "Ok, subject change I can't take this ooey gooey emotional bullshit." I said, Richie slightly giggled at me. "Ok Bucky, describe some new comics you've gotten to me." I looked up at Richie and he smiled. "Where do I start..?" He smiled widely and handed the chocolate back to me. I didn't eat it, just offered it back after a moment of him not looking. "Okay so I got a Batman comic last week," I smiled back at him as he got lost in telling about the super heros.

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