11: you left me

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   A/n: kinda shorter than normal but I didn't want to write too much. Also I'm sorry it took so long, I was swamped with a paper for my AP English class and it was making me so mad. The book should be done within the next 3-5 chapters!!! Then I'll publish the prologue for my Blondie Chapter 2 book and maybe start my prequel book for this one. Thank you for your patience 🥰

    As the group headed toward the house on Neibolt street, I hugged Richie's waist and kept my feet from dragging on the ground. All the boys were ready, but I couldn't say I was. As we hopped off our bikes at the entrance to the house, Bill immediately started picked up the spikes from the iron fence. Eddie chucked his fanny pack into the tall, dead grass around us. I high fived him after he turned back around. Bill put the spikes in his bag and Mike fiddled with the gun he'd brought. I'd seen one once when I visited my uncle. I was very young and my older cousin decided to torment me by killing one of the sheep while I was petting another one. I cried for days about the poor sheep and could barely sleep. I looked up to richie, he brought a bottle up and smashed the end of it over the railing, flinching back at the crack. As he saw the bottle was useless he shrugged and tossed it to the side. "Nice going Bucky." I said and walked forward.

    As we walked into the house, Richie helped me not trip on my way in. I walked in a couple steps and turned around when Eddie did. "Stan?" He asked. I fixed my glasses and watched Stan stand in the doorway in fear. "Stanley, it's okay." I said quietly. "We all have to go." Bill said as he stepped forward, into the center of the half circle we made. "B-Buh-Beverly was right. If we split up like last time, that clown will kill us one by one." He said with authority. I shivered in fear and leaned into Eddie as he stood next to me. He looked at me and I looked at him. A communal sign of even though we don't know what's going to happen, it'll be okay. That made me feel a little better. "But if we stick together, all of us, we'll win." Bill finished. Stan looked down at his feet. "I promise." I stepped forward and said. "I promise we'll win Stan." I held my hand out towards Stan. I'd always felt close to Stan even though he and I never really were ones to spend as much alone time together as Bill and I or Richie and I. Stan picked up his foot and stepped over the plank of wood covering the bottom of the doorframe and brought it down inside the house. He ducked under the top boards and walked into the house, taking my hand. "I've got you." I said with determination in my eyes. Stan just squeezed my hand as we traveled father into the abandoned house.

   We made our way down the creaky stairs into the basement, Stan letting go of my hand as he gained a little more confidence. Everyone shone their flashlights around until we saw the broken stone well. "Hey Eddie?" Richie asks. "Got a quarter?" Eddie rolls his eyes as he and I come up to look down the well. "I don't wanna make a wish in that fucking thing." He says. "Maybe a penny, but this death trap of a wishing well doesn't deserve a quarter." I mumbled and played with the ends of my hair. My remark goes unnoticed as we all stare down the well. "Beverly!" Ben yells down it, it echos right back. "How are we supposed to get down there?" Mike asked as Bill turned around to look for something. "Is there any rope?" I asked as I pulled on the puli above the well. "This should be able to hold us." After attaching the rope and letting the end of it fall down the well, Bill steps up to go down first. He makes his way down the rope as Eddie steps up. Mike helps Eddie grab the rope and start to shimmy down. Stan goes next, then Richie. I grab the rope with one hand and shimmy down a couple inches before looking up to Mike to see if he's coming. Before I could ask him about help, Mike flinches in pain as the sound of metal hitting flesh fills the basement. Mike is thrown back into the floor and above me now stares the ugly, blood covered face of Henry Bowers. I screamed as he grabbed the back of shirt and lifted me up out of the well and onto the floor. He shoved me backwards and I fell into a pile of old wood. The impact made me winded for a second, Henry was pulling the rope out of the well. "MIKE! ALICE!" Was shouted over and over from the well. "NO NO NO NO NO GRAB IT!" Richie yelled at the others. I let my head hang back as I tried to catch my breath. "You didn't listen to what I told you. Either of you. You should stayed out of Derry." He pointed at Mike. "Your parents didn't, and look what happened to them. I still get sad every time I pass that pile of ashes, sad I didn't do it myself." He gave a crazed smile. "And you should've killed your self, you nasty whore!" He looked to me. "What was your mom dieing not a big enough sign? You don't belong in this town, no one wants a girl who opens her legs for six guys hanging around here." He spat at me. I closed my eyes and let out a whimper. We both looked at Mike when the sound of him trying to cock the gun rung through our ears. Henry jumped on top of him, trying to pull the gun from his grip. "MIKE!" The boys in the  well screamed up. Henry pinned him to the ground and pointed the gun at his forehead. Just as he pulled the trigger, Mike shoved his hand away, keeping himself alive. I watched in horror and began to get to my feet. Mike hit I'm with rock, having Henry fall back off of him. Mike breathed heavily as he went to stand up, Henry doing the same. I let out a loud battle cry and ran at Henry, pushing him into the well and almost falling down myself. Mike caught me as Richie screamed a "HOLY SHIT!" I painted and leaned into Mike. "MIKE, ALICE!" Eddie yelled. "We're okay." Mike said to the boys. "I killed him." I whispered. "He deserved it." Mike said back. We both nodded and put the rope back into the well. As mike tried to reload the gun, the amo fell over the edge, leaving us with one metal peg left. "We better hurry." I said quietly.

   Mike and I finally made it down the rope and into the small hole in the wall where everyone was. Richie grabbed my hand to help me get into the space with them and pulled me into a hug. "Don't scare me like that." He mumbled. "You were scared?" I said as if I wasn't. He just told me to shut up. "Guys where's Stan?" Eddie said as he turned around to find no Stanley. "You lost Stan?" I asked as I let go of Richie. "STANLEY!" Eddie yelled as we all rushed to find him. Eddie and I screamed Stan's name over and over again as we stepped in the gross water. "Shit, grey water." Eddie gagged. "Gross." I said as I kept moving forward. "Stan!" Richie yelled. Followed by a "Stanley!" From Eddie. As Bill led the way I stumbled through the water in my chunky boot. I finally decided to just limp the boot behind me because the more it filled with water, the heavier it became. As we charged along, we heard a distant scream, Stanley's scream! I pushed past Mike in an effort to move faster, my boot slowing me down as I yelled after Stan. "Stan! I'm coming!" I yelled as I reached my hand out to grab Richie's shoulder. He helped me keep up with Eddie and Bill which I was extremely grateful for.

   When we made it to a large door, everyone helped push it open. When the door was open, everyone stepped in a couple steps before trying to find Stan. "Stanley! Stanley!" Eddie yelled out. He took a couple steps to the side as he saw Stan's flashlight. He picked it up and as we all followed the light with our eyes, we found Stan laying on the floor, a monster sucking on his face. I let out a high pitched scream as Richie yelled "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" The monster withdrew from Stan's face after we backed up a little bit. She stepped back against the wall, crawling up it go through the doorway there. She slinked back behind the doorway and before any of us could move, the head popped back out again but this time it was the Clown. Eddie screamed and Richie let out a "shit shit shit." When the clown went away for good, we all stumbled towards Stanley. "Stan!" I said as I dropped to my knees next to him. As soon as someone touched him, Stan thrashed and sat up, screaming as if we were the ones trying to hurt him. Everyone let out words to let Stan know it was okay, that we were here and not going to hurt him. "YOU LEFT ME!" He screamed at us. "YOU LEFT ME IN NIEBOLT!" He continued. I felt my heart drop. "Stan, Stan I- it's okay. We're here now. I've got-" I said as I reached out. He thrashed again and screamed at us. "YOU LEFT ME YOU LEFT ME YOU LEFT ME!" He yelled over and over. I felt tears well in my eyes. "I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it." I whispered as I covered my eyes with my hands. "I would never do that to you Stanley, I- you're one of my best friends." I mumbled as I let tears fall. Stan continued to scream and I continued to cry as Richie sat a hand on my shoulder. "Stan," He said as he wrapped his arm around me. We all huddled together, some crying some not, as we tried to comfort Stan. He'd eventually stopped screaming and it made me feel better and my tears stopped. "Stan I'm so sorry." I whispered as I looked at him. "It's alright Al." He said back and I smiled at him. "Bill?" Eddie asked and we all looked at the tunnel that bill had just run down. "He can't sit still for five seconds can he?" I mumbled as we all went to chase after him

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