Chapter 8

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Jade Durnn awoke abruptly and realised the room was in the middle of a fight. She worried if her wig was in place as she struggled to open her eyes. 


"You, Sir, have stolen my shirt," Harry shook as his face reddened with anger.

"Have not," Robert, a tall, vain young man, dismissed his accuser without a look. He continued to pull his night shirt over his head not caring if everyone saw him shirtless. Jade fought the instinct to look away. 

"Stop being dishonest," The prim man changed his position trying to face Robert who still ignored him like one would an annoying fly. 

"It's not as if you've got your name on it," Jacob warbled from his corner as he partook the complimentary fruit laid beside their beds. 

"As a matter of fact I have," The slim man announced although his chin shook as if he were controlling his tears.

"Don't tell me your mum still stitches your name on your PJs, you fancy wanker," Paul shouted from across the room. Harry's sudden hunched posture indicated it was true. 

"Does she hold your hand when you piss?" Jacob laughed mercilessly while the other men joined in. Robert brandished the name sewn on the stolen shirt and threw it at the rightful owner's face. 

"That's enough, you pisspots," Jade interrupted the humiliating scene firmly although the idea of Harry's mum holding his hand everywhere did give her some amusement. 

"As if you're the one to talk, mister fancypants. You've been busy diving deep into the muslin party," Francis drawled at her. Jade wanted to retort but was interrupted by another candidate opening a letter waiting at the basket at the entrance. 

"We've been summoned, ladies. We're finally meeting the Royals," Jacob fluttered the paper in the air, "Prince Edward has announced a meal with us. He wants to check out who wants to be Luke's new man." 

"Ugh, not him. He's rather annoying to be honest," Jade blurted out unthinkingly.

"Don't sell me a dog! You've been meetin' the Prince Luke and now you've been introduced to the Crown faffing Prince. You've all the luck if that's true" Paul hollered disagreeably. 

"Should've known you'd be an arse licker. All poncy and perfect. Have you lot seen his clothes. Stiffer than Harry's back," Robert spoke with a certain meaness that made Jade uncomfortable. 

"I haven't been meeting with anyone," The girl replied firmly.

"What were you doing with the dumb bird that fell off the boat? Is she getting you the job by getting friendly with the Prince? He did save her after the farce she played," Robert asked with a sneer marring his handsome face.

"Take that back! I will pummel you to the ground," Jade roared at the implications. She had no idea if she could even lift a finger against the tall, broad opponent who was flaunting his physique at this very moment but she was furious enough to try.

"Now, now, it's not like she threw herself off the boat for attention," Harrisburg was conciliatory in his speech. He liked to stay out of their conversations as much as possible but it seemed like he sensed the threat of physical violence was real. 

"He's right. She never fell on her own. She was pushed," Francis mentioned offhandedly. 

"Pushed. Oww. What a strange lot these nobles are. You'd think they would behave better," Paul tsked like an old granny. 

"Yes, I'm scare what they'll do to us," Jacob took a large bite out of a green apple as Jade watched. She wondered who would be so spiteful to throw a mere librarian's daughter off a boat. 

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