Ian Witnesses A Public Joininng for the First Time

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Morning broke and orcs are not prone to naturally take to morning light.  They are vile, dark creatures. Their ways violent.  It was not natural for orcs to care for something organic, to make sure it grew in safety.

A large part the docca system had awakened many orcs to this. Counsel law being what it was had ensured the strict following.

However humans outside of docca law were no more than cattle, chattel even.

They suffered brutalities unmentionable under the hand of the orc. Often they could be mutilated, worked to death and even cooked for food. Humans had absolutely no protection in orc country.

The human brothels were vile places. Being sent here was no worse than being sent to the mines. Both ensured a hasty death, one promised unimaginable pain. In the mines if you couldn't work they simply put you out of your misery with a swift blow or hack of their machete. In the brothels you might be in pain or near death but you could still be fucked.

Ian was in a particularly precarious situation. He was safe but even the orc King's crest could not stop a sex-driven orc from tearing at him, that is why Galek was needed.

Today would bring more riding for the troop. The electric energy could be felt as they were almost home to their capital where they would be free to go home until called again.

Ian could do nothing for the fellow humans he saw along the way. It absolutely broke his heart and steeled him to the orcs.

He wanted to complete his term and return home. Uneventful.

The gods had other plans.

They stopped for the night in the final village before they were surely to reach the great hall.

As they came in to the village Ian saw his first docca. A man was tied to a pole in the middle of the village. His form was strong and tawny  his black raven hair flowed down in waves brushing his shoulders.

A small crowd of orcs gathered around him.

The orc army walked on paying no mind to the happenings.

"What is happening to that man?"

Galek looked up.

"He is a docca."

"I've never seen one in real life. Do they really join orcs for life?"


"What? Absurd!"

Galek grunted. Reminding Ian where he was. He should not speak as such.

"How do you know? He is naked. He has no markings to show he is a docca."

"See the piece of shiny metal that protrudes from is ass?"


"It is a mark. It marks him for the house of his master. No one is to touch him as long as he bears that. "

"Then why is he there?"

"He is waiting to be mated. He has chosen to mate with his orc and his community."

"Stop the horse I want to see."


"Yes. I want to see this. What will he do? If you do not stop I will find a way to be particularly annoying tonight when you try to put me to bed! I will forever be a thorn in your side! Galek! You must stop!"

"Human! Hush!" He reined the horse to a halt. "It will be good for you to see orc culture at work."

"Why is he there?"

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