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Ian could not know this but his caretakers had been tracking his times for shitting.

Galek took time to find out and he based his arrival time on it.

The next morning he found Ian waiting for him surprised at an early visit.

"My Lord why are you here so early?"

"Come with me."

He put out his arms to pick up and carry the naked man.

As he began to walk Ian stopped him.

"That's okay. I am ready to walk."

Happy with the progress, He put Ian down. Then took his hand and led him out. Ian walking in the longhouse.

They arrived in a dark room. Lorz was there. There was a single chair. It was shaped funny.

"Ian I'm Lorz."

"Hello. "

"I am guiding Galek as he guides you through your training."
"This is an expelling chair. Our female orcs use it to give birth but we use for a different purpose.
I want you to sit on it."

He showed Ian where to put his knees and where to rest his chest and even head.

"You should be comfortable."

"I am going to leave you with Galek. He will tell you everything."

Galek brought another stool over. He sat So that his face was near Ian's.

"Galek I need to pass waste."

"I know. That is why we are here."

"What?" Ian was shocked, curious, unsure, worried, disgusted.

"You are here to pass waste sitting in this chair."


He moved to get up and Galek grabbed his arm in a crushing grip.

Ian grimaced.  And it angered him. 

"You will do this. Today."

"I will not. Galek I can't do this don't ask this of me. This goes beyond what I thought I'd be doing. I can't. No!"

"You will calm Ian."

He slumped in the chair.

"How can you do this to me?"

"Because orcs believe that before you can mate with the passage of your docca you must be willing to know every part of its use.  Your anus has value to me.  I respect it.  We will respect it together. One day we will use your anus for another purpose. One in which things are placed inside you not simply pushed out."

Ian reddened in shame.

"It's hard for me to imagine that."

Taking his chin and meeting his eyes Galek spoke.

"I want to put my cock inside you and bring you pleasure. I want to know and see all of you so that when we fuck, when I am breeding YOU, Ian, you'll have no where to hide. We will have no where to hide.  We will be one in all things."

"I don't know how to do this."

Tears came down his face. He no longer felt the need to expell his anus had tightened up. Galek took sweet oil from a bowl they had brought and began to rub his back.

He rubbed the mans back pushing downward along his spine then picking up his hand massages downward again,  causing Ian's to relax further and feel...open.

The Orc Warrior and the Soft Man Where stories live. Discover now