Breaching the Soft Man

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"Where are we going today?" Said Ian

Galek let down the crib gate knowing today would be different.

"Come to the edge Ian. Sit."

Ian crawled then scooted to the edge, hanging his feet off. He put his hands out to Galek who stood and kissed them. Then kissing his forehead smoothed his curls of chestnut hair. Ian's legs naturally parted leaving Galek space to move move his body between them.  Ian rested his hands on the orc waist looking up. Galek hugged the man who had been through so much for him. He loved that he was naked and soft before him.  He leaned into him a bit more driving Ian's legs further apart.

Still hugging him he said.

"sweet man. I cannot wait for the day when we are joined." said Galek.

He pulled back so he could see Ian's soft rounded face.  He loved the soft body he saw below, wanting so badly to kiss and fondle him and bring pleasure.  So much was not allowed until Ian was his docca.

Ian sat differently now, Moved differently now.  The orc could see he was comfortable in his own skin. For that he was thankful to this place.

"Galek, what ever we are doing,  I will try my very best."

Galek's mouth curved a bit in a half smile.

"Ian today is the day I want you to let me put my finger inside you. I want to feel you. It is time to use your anal canal for the other purpose it was intended. I need to breach your passage." Galek said.

Ian hung his head and breathed out heavily.

"Is there not a private room for us?" Ian said.

"There is not." Galek said.

He watched Ian's emotions played across his face. 

Ian supposed it was the progression of things.  Eventually he knew he would have to. He'd seen other humans open their legs for their trainers. He'd seen pluggings and ejaculations all by the hands of orcs on their human men, hoping to make them their docca.  What was he fighting? Why? He did want to go home with Galek. He did want to give Galek pleasure in their friendship, wanted to live with him and feel pleasure by him. This was the progression of things and yet all his life he'd never allowed himself to think of a cock in his ass ...and now ... to think it would be an orc. Inside him. He cringed. He loved the orc though.  And he felt with time this part of his body would love Galek too.

Galek had drunk from his cock, making Ian feel freer around him.  Galek had seen him expell waste and cleaned him. And now he would part his legs for this orc and learn how to be stretched as a woman might be, in his life he would now be pleasured as one. There was no halfway point. The ceremony for joining might be months from now but this... this was his public declaration.  He would submit to the orc and declare with his body that it was to be used for his pleasure. 

Galek took his hands.

"You knew it was always going to come to this. Let me help you open." Galek said

"Show me how to be with you." Ian said. 



"I will be gentle with you in all things.  Lie back and let me cuff your knees." Galek said. 

Ian layed down and let his legs fall open. His puffy center making Galeks mouth water. He was trembling all over helpless, making him absolutely adorable to Galek, like a sacrificial lamb. He was a vision, one he wanted to drive into and seed. Ian scooted his bottom and adjusted as his legs staying open, making Galeks mouth water with all the movement.

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