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Ian had gone as a lamb to the slaughter. He known it would be dreadful and yet he'd allowed Galek and Hoppa to hand him to the training house guards.

Grunting, slapping and whipping the man as he tried to do what they wanted. Instructions were given in blows. Ian thought he would be given directions and to avoid brutality he would simply do what they wanted until Galek found him, he now belonged to the house, at least for the few hours until Galek went through the purchasing process.

Had he really just said that about himself? He, one of the smartest humans in the kingdom was being held for purchase.

He had no safe place to go in his mind as they tore at his clothes and scrubbed every inch of his white naked body.

His legs were spread and he was scrubbed in places he'd never intended anyone to see.

Everything was loud. He was loud with crying out. The orcs growled and roared. The water splashing. Chaos and darkness.

He'd thought at the end he be given some sort of clothing. But he'd been given a dry bread piece and shoved into the main room where all the humans were stored.

His stomach fell to the bottom of his knees as he looked at the rows and rows of cage toe cribs in which rested a human. They were all shapes and sizes colors and genders.

He was painfully aware of his nakedness even as he realized none of the other humans were clothed either.

A leather whip came painfully to his buttocks and he helped. He'd been walking to slow and he scurried forward.

His eyes adjusted to the darkness lit by fires along the walls and sadness crept over him as he realized he was to be here. And there had been no time limit given which brought so much fear to him.

The orcs began whipping and beating him again. He cried out in pain and realized they wanted him to stop, which he did.

A crib gate was opened and even though he climbed in more beating transpired. He was hurting and tired and longed to see Galek. Galek was his one salvation in all this. Upon which he had put all trust. It had been a big wager. His life was on the line. For he knew no one would come for him except the orc warrior.

He passed the first 24 hours sleeping as much as he could trying to escape as much as he could.

By day 3 he became frantic. He started screaming and rattling his cage. Orcs came and beat him again until he lay exhausted and crying.

"Galek" he cried out.

But even that was met with a whip. Other humans yelled at him to hush and they were met with the orc whip.

What had happened to Galek? He said he'd come. There is no way he could have known the measures Galek was taking to purchase him.

By the seventh day he'd begun to accept his nakedness and his abandonment. After days of orcs coming to view him and ogle his cocklet and his rounded body he'd begun to lose himself. The orcs had h always stopped at touching him and no one was allowed to purchase him. Had his mind been sharp, he would have noted the subtle preferential treatment taken encouragement from it.

By day 10 his mind had calmed much and had steeled itself to his reality. He sat up in his crib looking around. He'd begun to notice routines. The longhouse was kept warm for his skin. The lights lit enough for him to see the others in the house. When he was fed. When they cleaned his pail.

His mind had strengthened and he had been reminded of the orc, his orc. He decided to wait for him. He kept himself busy with planning what their life would be like when they were out of this terrible place. He wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out but he would try for a few more days and then see what happened.

The Orc Warrior and the Soft Man Where stories live. Discover now