Chapter 2

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I was nearly crawling because Im too drunk tonight. I saw someone on our front door and I barely recognize her. I came to her, nearly falling on my butt. But she caught my shirt. And pulled me closer to her.

She began kissing me. I know I should not be kissing her back but she tasted damn too good. We stopped gasping for air.

" Hi, Bae. Can we go to your room already? And what do you want to talk about? " kristine was rubbing those nice breasts in my chest. And just like that I was turned on.

We went up to my room. We were like ninjas. We were so quiet. She opened the door, grabbing me. Pushing me hard against the bed. She was above me and in control. And i shifted my weight over so I could be above her. I was drunk alright. And turned on. I removed her tank top. And not surprised that she has nothing underneath.

We finished having our play time and the alcohol that I had came off when shoot it all over her. Im sober. I can think better.

" Kristine " I muttered.

She was still naked. And she sat beside me. She listened.

" this has to stop. " And I let those words out. Well theres nothing to lose. A lot to gain.

" Yes sure. I understand. " she got up. Got dressed. And went out of my room. And just like that, I lost the hot girl thats playing me for months now. That was easy. And in the back of my mind. My sweet ride is coming.


" Thanks mommy! You're the best. " hugging her, kissing her cheek and handing me the key to my beautiful Ford truck.

" Promise me, dear. You'll never drive while drunk alright? " mommy smiled and went in the front seat.  " Can I be the first girl that rides on your car? "

" Ofcourse mom. You are the only girl of my life. " I kissed her on her forehead. And she smiled while sitting back and buckling up.

" Im ready, Tj bear. "

I started my engine and went for a drive. I really am happy. Like today is the happiest day of my life. For a bad boy, Im a bit cheesy right?


" Nice ride, Joseph " someone called out on the schools parking. I already know that though. And Im guessing it was Jay. My best bud / partner in all my crimes / my best team mate / my brother.

" Hey dude. I know. Mom got these sweet ride for me. " Im acting cool so that it wouldnt sound like Im bragging.

" Wow. That ride is really sweet, Tj. We'll be bringing these on parties, right? " It was Tara. Jay's girl. They have been together since forever I think.

" hell yeah we are. " I answered touching my truck.

" Babe, do you have our project in Biology? " Tara asked Jay and he pulled out the worms from his backpack.

" Thats totally gross, T. Were on the same group right? " I said while looking at the worms inside the Ziploc.

" Yes, teej. And were with the new girl. Im thinking that she's a freak. " sometimes, Tara could be judgemental. But shes nice. And smart.

Oh new girl. I thought.

On our biology class, we were seated at the back. Jay and I kept talking how Lebron managed to walk away from Miami Heat when Mr. Blooms entered with a face somewhat unfamiliar.

" New girl. " I muttered.

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