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I couldn't move. I couldn't resist. Tera, a werewolf with superhuman strength, was on top of me, smothering me in kisses and holding my hands down. I won't lie, it felt great. Amazing, really. But this wasn't the time. Not our time.

"Tera..." I breathed out, and then I gasped a little whenever I felt pressure on my neck.

She let go with a pop sound. "That is such a pretty little spot." She said, sounding even more aroused.

My heart kind of picked up the pace and a slight panic attack struck. "The hell? Did you just leave a hickey on me?" What if my parents see it, or people at school. It was kind of embarrassing.

She reached a hand up and traced it over my bottom lip. "I think humans and wolves have a thing in common." She said seductively, leaned down to my ear, her breath warm against me, and whispered, "We both like to mark what's ours." She bit my earlobe softly.

"Now now, Tera." A voice came from beside us. It was Charles, her Dad.

You've got to be kidding me. I started to ask God if he was punishing me for something I did wrong, because not only was her dad here, but he caught us with his daughter on top of me. If he didn't have a reason to kill me before, he's probably just found one.

"Dad!" She said through gritted teeth. "Get out."

"Nonsense." He said, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her to her feet with ease. "You've done enough tonight. Go run it off."

"He loves me though!" She said aggressively, staring a hole right through him. "He wanted it even more than I did."

He shook his head and let out a sigh. "Look at the boy. He's not ready for this, he's scared to death." He closed his eyes and sniffed, then an amused smile came to his face. "Haha! You're in heat."

"Heat?" She and I both asked in shock.

"Yeah." He rubbed the back of his head with the same smile. "I thought you knew already."

If I could see smoke coming from her ear, it would've happened. The atmosphere of my small room changed. "Explain to me how the hell we have a heat." She said through gritted teeth, her eyes closed.

"Well, ya see..." he started off, his fingers tracing his jawline as if thinking of a way to explain it. "...once a month..."

"Are you telling me this is like a period?" She said, her voice now more clearer but still sharp as a razor.

"Sort of. See, it's a sort of mix between your wolf and yourself." He explained.

"But I had my period two weeks ago!" She exclaimed more loudly, and I had to gesture for her to calm down so she wouldn't wake my parents or brother.

"Yeahhh... about that." He pulled on the collar of his shirt. "You're gonna have both from now on."

"You're kidding." I said in disbelief.

He looked at me and laughed. "Hey, lucky for you, right? Now my daughter will get sudden urges every month and attempt to rape you like she did a few minutes ago." He reached and touched my face, turning my head. "Gonna have to make up and excuse for that one. Just say you got hit with a golf ball. Or an apple." Who the hell even plays golf around here? And why would someone randomly throw an apple at another person?

"You think this is funny, old man?" Tera asked, now angry. She looked at me, and her expression changed sympathetically for a second. "I'm so sorry. I know you weren't comfortable. Please, forgive me."

I nodded, keeping my distance. "It's fine. Really."

Charles sighed. "Kids, I know I joke a lot, but I just don't want you both to do these kind of things. Not yet, at least." He put a hand on Tera's shoulder. "I'll help you learn to control those urges. Even you don't know all the basics of being one of us."

She Came From the Forest (James and Tera: book 1)Where stories live. Discover now