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I walked onto Tera's porch and rang the doorbell. I stood and waited, my foot tapping from impatience. Ever since earlier at school, I've been impatient to see her again and to know what was going on and why her ex was here.

The door opened, and standing there wasn't Tera, but was Charlie. He was wearing a gray tank top with some matching sweats. His hair was tied back and he had a beard that was so sloppy that it looked like he hadn't shaven for weeks.

"Charlie?" I asked. I hadn't seen him since the night he stormed into the woods as a wolf from the tension that Flower had caused.

He smiled weakly. "In the flesh." He said in a low cheery voice that wasn't his. He always seemed like he was in a good mood.

"How are you?" I asked. "I haven't seen you since that incident."

He shook his head. "Just a little sore. The Change can hurt pretty bad." He lost the smile and put on a straight face. "You know you can't get involved." He said flat out.

I shook my head. "I just want to know what the problem is, that's all."

"If you get involved, then you'll be the problem." Tera's voice said, Charlie stepping aside to reveal Tera. "You should just go home. Stay out of this."

I didn't move. "But Tera, I can-"

"No." She cut me off. Her voice was more firm. "You can't do anything in these kinds of things. You'll be useless."

That stung. My heart was pricked, and it felt like it was bleeding. 'Useless?'. I'll be the problem if I get involved?

Charlie noticed how I was feeling. He turned to Tera. "I'll let you handle this." He said, and walked away, out of sight.

She sighed. "You should've just left me alone, then you wouldn't have to be so hurt." She said. "I could've just left without leaving any unfinished business like with you behind."

"Business?" I asked lowly, my eyes staring at the ground. "We were business to you? Me and Sage and the others?"

She sounded like she was confused. "What? No, you guys were-"

I cut her off this time. "Tera, you were there for me. You stood by me as someone I truly cared for. I let you into the family of those closest to me. You became a part of that family, and it only took only a small amount of time to do so. And you say we were just business."

She sounded frustrated. "That's not what I meant."

I looked up at her and stared her directly into her eyes. "You became a part of OUR pack. You know damn well we're not 'unfinished business'."

Her expression changed. She kept her golden eyes on mine, and we stood there for a good while, glaring at each other. Suddenly, her eyes dropped, and she looked so surprised.

I raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She looked back up and regained her composure. "You don't understand. You don't know how I feel and what my motives are behind leaving." She was ignoring what just happened. But then again, so did I once we started talking again.

I shook my head. "Were we just play things for you for the time being?" I asked, my voice trembling. For the first time in so long, I felt anger at someone. My blood felt like it was boiling and my hands were shaking a little.

She put a hand under my chin and made me look at her. "You guys are my world. You guys made me smile for the first time in so long. You, of course, made me feel something I thought I couldn't feel anymore."

The trembling stopped, and I felt so still, with my breathing slowed and my heart almost to a stop. "Then why? Why would you leave us?"

She smiled, a pained smile. And I saw something in her eyes. Tears. "Why would I put my family into danger when I know I can just avoid it by running?"

She Came From the Forest (James and Tera: book 1)Where stories live. Discover now