Chapter 4: My soulmate

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Halfway through the day, Annabeth had learnt to block the voice out but the headache was still there, making her an extremely moody person. Telling Piper and Thalia about her soulmate proved to be a blessing as they made sure that no one came near Annabeth. They were walking to the cafeteria while Piper was asking questions about Annabeth's soulmate, hell-bent on figuring out who her soulmate could possibly be.

"Think! Did you meet anyone new?" Piper demanded.

"I don't know Piper," Annabeth said and sighed loudly and dramatically.

"Shut up. We both know that you have an excellent memory. Now think!"

Annabeth sighed once again and stated thinking about the previous day, just to please Piper. "Well, I met a Luke..."

Piper frowned. "How do you not know Luke? You legit have him in most of your classes."

Annabeth shrugged.

"You need to socialize more. Honestly, what would happen to you had I not been there to help you?"

"Luke is part of 'the populars' and you know I hate all of them. Except Jason," Annabeth said smirking at Piper who had a huge crush on Jason.

Piper blushed and smacked Annabeth on the head.

The populars were basically like the Regina George's of Goode. Rich, shallow, manipulative and dumb. Annabeth stayed away from them like they had the plague. There were always rumors and gossips surrounding them and Annabeth would rather not get involved.

"You should try talking Luke. He might be your soulmate!"

Annabeth paled. "No, thank you."

"You never know. He might just be your soulmate," Thalia interrupted once again.

Annabeth scowled and shoved Thalia. "You are supposed to be on my side!"

They entered the cafeteria. Annabeth quickly took her food and sat down on their usual table. She was peacefully eating when suddenly Piper tapped her arm. Annabeth frowned and asked her what the matter was. 

"Go talk to Luke!" Piper said and pointed at a table.

Annabeth followed Piper's finger and saw Luke sitting with the populars. Sitting on his right was Percy Jackson, and clinging to him was Rachel Dare. They were supposed to be the 'it' couple but Annabeth couldn't disagree more. Rachel wore wayyyy too much make up for her own good  and Jackson was a straight-up jerk. Sitting on Luke's left was Jason. He was the only who Annabeth actually like talking too. He was Thalia's brother and Percy's cousin. With his blond hair he had half the female population sighing whenever he even breathed, while the other were simping about Percy. Except Annabeth and Thalia that is. 

There was no way Annabeth was going to talk to Luke now. The universe seemed to want her to talk to him, because at that moment Luke stood up after finishing his lunch to dispose the plate. Knowing that Piper won't let the topic go until she talked to Luke, and Annabeth got up and started walking in his direction.

"Hey," Annabeth said feeling awkward. After all, she didn't even know him.  

"Oh, hello Annabeth," Luke said as he glanced supposedly discreetly toward his table, no doubt wanting to go back to his friends.

"Have you met your soulmate?," Annabeth blurted out, not wanting to make the conversation any longer than absolutely necessary.

"Uhhhhhhhh," he said thrown back by my question. "Actually yes. See?"

Luke said and rolled up his sleeve. On his arm was the word 'Heights' in a handwriting that Annabeth distinctly recognized. Annabeth glanced at Thalia who was currently trying to balance a spoon on her nose. She was about to call out to Thalia and tell her that she knew who Thalia's soulmate was, when she stopped herself. Thalia was currently going through an 'anti-soulmate' phase. Introducing her to her soulmate would be of no use. Annabeth decided that she would let fate do the work instead.

If he was Thalia's soulmate, then Annabeth would have to be in a friendly relationship with Luke. With that in mind, Annabeth smiled and thanked Luke and made her way to her table.

She reached her table to find Piper looking at her expectantly. Annabeth shook her head and sat down.

"So Luke wasn't you soulmate?" Piper asked disappointedly.


"Then you should try talking to your soulmate," Piper demanded adamantly.

Annabeth groaned.

"I'll just keep bothering you until you do," Piper said sweetly.

Annabeth huffed then went to the washroom to talk to her soulmate. She didn't want to get any weird stares from people because she was talking to herself. She concentrated on the voice in her head. She started by saying something simple-


She was immediately answered with a groan and a  'Will you ever shut up'. Clearly the guy or whoever it was did not think about communicating with her.

"I think I am your soulmate. Did your mark turn black yesterday?" 

She was answered with a long silence. Annabeth took that as a 'yes.'

"My name is Sophia," she said, trying to start up a conversation and reduce the awkwardness. What? No way was she going to reveal my personal details to a complete stranger.

"How do I know that you are actually my soulmate?" the person on the other end asked.

"You uh....really like swimming?" Annabeth replied referring to the word imprinted on her index.

"Guess you are the one destined to be with amazing me."

And just like that all the awkwardness between them vanished.

"You have a big ego too. Just great. What's your name?" Annabeth said, rolling her eyes. 

"I ain't gonna tell that. Call me Kai for now. I want you to fall in love with the real me and not just because I am a hot guy who all girls swoon over."

"Yeah right. Who says I am going to fall in love with you anyway?"

"Of course you will Soph. Of course you will."

"Don't call me Soph."


"Dumbass," Annabeth retorted.

"I am not a dumbass!"

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"So..." he said finally putting a stop to their petty argument. "Tell me something about yourself"

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