Chapter 24: I'm a bad boy, not a dork

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"And before you freak out about my soulmate, yes, I love him a lot. You know why?"

'That's because you are my soulmate, you idiot,' his soulmate mindlinked him.

Aaaaand Percy's jaw dropped open.


Percy stared at Annabeth, his mind reeling with this new information.

"Wait. So you are my soulmate?" Percy confirmed, not wanting to get too ahead of himself.

"No, it's Rachel."

"What? I thought you said you are my soulmate?" Percy asked, confused.

Annabeth reached out and smacked his head.

"Ever heard of sarcasm, seaweed brain?"

Percy grinned hearing the term that his soulmate used to call him. The soulmate, who turned out to be none other than Annabeth.

"Well, at least you won't be cancelling our movie nights."

Annabeth facepalmed. "Why am I not surprised that, that is the first thought that comes in your mind?"

Without answering, Percy reached out and hugged Annabeth. It had been so dam long since he had last hugged her, burying his face her hair.

"You are an amazing hugger. Imma hug you for the rest of my life," Percy mumbled, much to Annabeth's amusement.

"Okay weirdo. Now are we going inside our do you just want to freeze to death?"

The two of them went inside Annabeth's house and were sitting on the sofa and were deciding which movie to watch,  when Percy realized something.

"Annabeth!" he exclaimed with his eyes wide. "You haven't kissed me yet."

Annabeth grinned. "Oh no! What a scandal!" she joked.

Percy nodded solemnly. "I am hurt. But it would make me feel better if you kissed me now," he said, pouting and pointing to his lips.

"Come here you dork."

Annabeth kissed Percy but after two seconds of relishing the kiss, he pulled back slightly, so that there lips weren't touching but he could still feel her breath. on his skin.

"Just for the record, I'm a bad boy, not a dork," Percy said before closing the gap once again.

"When did you figure out that I was your soulmate?" Percy asked.

"When you started talking about how amazing girlfriend I am."

Percy scowled. "You heard me freaking out, but didn't tell me that it was you all along? You cruel little witch!"

Annabeth stuck out her tongue. Percy growled lightly before starting to tickle her.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes. "So you wanna play the tickling game, huh? You are so going to lose."

Everybody in their friends' circle knew that Percy was extremely ticklish. Before Percy could utter a word, Annabeth was straddling him and tickling the death out of him.

It was safe to say that the two teenagers never did get to watch the movie.

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