Chapter 18: Love is Strange

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The above picture is a fanart by art.buggy on instagram. Her pictures are AMAZHANG and she deserves so many more followers, so if you have Instagram you should follow her, you won't regret it. She has made all sorts of aus- assassins, high school and more adorable pictures. Also 👇 

Guys!!!!! I'm so excited for The Kane Chronicles movies!!!! If you haven't heard, Kane Chronicles movies are going to e launched on Netflix. First Percy Jackson is adapted by Disney, then Kane Chronicles, next I am expecting Magnus Chase to come on Amazon Prime. 🤣🤣🤣

Percy stared at the blonde girl. He honestly couldn't imagine why she still hung around him. Nobody was perfect, but Annabeth was as close to perfection as it could get. Even her imperfections made her more perfect. Exactly! It made no sense. But that's what happens when people are in love. Love. Love is strange. It can make the weakest people strong and make the strongest people weak. It can make your heart feel whole, and yet leave your heart broken into such tiny pieces that it is nearly impossible to bring it back together.

Percy had tried to not fall in love. He really did. After all love had broken him before. His father had left him when he was a baby. Desperate that her child should have a fatherly figure, his mother had married Gabe. For the first few weeks Gabe had been the perfect father and Percy had started to love Gabe. And then the gambling started, followed by the drinking and soon he started beating Percy and his mother. And that's when Percy had decided that love was dangerous. He tried finding Annabeth's flaws and  tried to distance himself from her, yet something drew him back to her. What had once started as a supposedly one month relationship had blossomed into a one year relationship. She was his best friend, his girlfriend, his everything. She had changed him into a better person, taught him that not everyone was bad and brought out a side of him, that he never knew he had. And now the very thought of staying away from Annabeth was revolting.

But, there was a problem. That problem being his soulmate. He was thankful that he had wise girl as his soulmate, after all she had given him advice on how to ask Annabeth out on a date but the more he talked with Sophia or whatever her name was, the more he started liking her. And that felt wrong. He was dating Annabeth, the girl he was in love with but he also liked Sophia. They say that if you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one. But the very thought of leaving Annabeth tore his heart apart.

It had been a week since he realized that he liked Sophia in a non-platonic way and it had been eating him up from the inside. He felt as if he was cheating on Annabeth, and he hated himself. Hated that he couldn't control his emotions, hated that he was stupid enough to like another girl when he had the most perfect girl, hated that he couldn't gather up enough courage to tell Annabeth about it. He couldn't lose Annabeth and which sane girl would stay with a guy who liked someone else.

He couldn't share it with anyone. That's what happened when your best friend and girlfriend were the same person. He couldn't talk to Sophia about it either. And he didn't want to disappoint his mom. She had faced a lot of problem with love and would be extremely sad if she found out how he was playing with the feelings of two girls. Annabeth was like a daughter to her and he had no doubt that his mother had already planned their wedding.

Threading his fingers through his hair, Percy got up to go meet Annabeth and talk to her and clear up this mess, even if he broke his own heart in the process.


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