Chapter 6: Random-lady-who-is-my-soulmate

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The rest of the day went smoothly. Even Mrs. Dodds hadn't glared at her too much when Annabeth corrected her three times during class. This only made Annabeth uncomfortable. It seemed like the calm before the storm.

Annabeth sat down at her table and quickly finished all her homework. If Percy was going to come over, then she needed to finish her homework prior to 5 o'clock. She struggled slight with the English essay, but she managed to finish it with half an hour left for 5 o'clock. 

Annabeth decided to tidy up the living room and her room. Contradictory to what others thought, Annabeth wasn't a clean freak. Her table always had stacks of papers and books scattered all over in what she she liked to call an 'organized mess.' However, she never corrected anyone when they assumed that she liked things to be clean. It gave her a more nerdy look and people stayed away from her, which was perfectly fine with Annabeth.

5 o'clock cam and went by, yet her door bell didn't ring. At first, Annabeth thought that he was late. That was expected from a jerk like him but when half an hour went by Annabeth understood that he wasn't going to come. She was fuming. She had made notes and everything for them to work on and that jerk hadn't even bothered to show up. Annabeth didn't even have his number to call him and yell at him.  She sighed and flopped down on her bed.

She didn't know when exactly she fell asleep, but she was awaken by someone screaming into her head. Quite literally.


Annabeth groaned and sat up. Grumbling and cursing, she washed her face while her soulmate was calling her name the entire. dam. time.

"What do you want?" Annabeth snapped at him still grouchy.

"Finally Ms. Sophia has responded."

"My name is not Sophia," Annabeth responded, tired of hearing that meaningless word again and again.

"But you said your name was Sophia!"

"I am not stupid. You could be a murderer for all I know."

It was silent for a few seconds before Kai replied. "Fair enough." Annabeth could almost imagine him nodding as he said those two words.

"Well Random-lady-who-is-my-soulmate, you any good at math?"

Annabeth snorted at what he called her. "Why?"

"What's the compound interest on $16.98 in 3 years, when the rates of interest for successive years are 10%,12% and 15%?"

"I'm not a calculator."

"But why?" he replied pouting.

"Because I'm not jobless enough to do math for someone else."

"But... but... You are my soulmate!" he exclaimed indignantly. "There are people out there who are willing to give their life up for their soulmate and you won't do a Math question for me?"

"Yup!" Annabeth said grinning, the anger on Percy long forgotten.

"Gee, thanks."

"Your welcome!"

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