Chapter 5

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Gibbs stormed off towards interrogation as Tony took the folder and walked blindly to his desk.

Opening it he saw the request was all filled out, signed and dated last night by Gibbs. He sat down in shock, after all the years he had given to Gibbs all his loyalty, Gibbs was having him transferred because he'd married Gibbs' ex!

He felt like he'd been punched in the gut again. He wanted to walk away there and then but he knew that Gibbs was the best chance he had of finding his son. But he wasn't stupid, if Gibbs wanted him off the team he wasn't going to stay on it, but he would be staying on the case. He picked up the phone and made a call as Ziva watched shocked at the turn of events.

"Hey, its DiNozzo is the boss in?" he asked. Ziva's head shot up in surprise. Was he calling Gibbs?

"Hey, it's DiNozzo, yeah that Job offer still good?" He asked. He listened to the voice on the other side, "Sure I want it, I just found out Jen's alive. I understand why you couldn't tell me, but our son …yes I have a son and he's missing, Gibbs has the case, I take it Jen can talk?" again he waited as he was filled in, "Fine, I'll take the job effective immediately. Do you want to call Vance and fill him in? I want to start with this case… Fine I'll turn in my badge and John thanks,"

Tony hung the phone up and picked up a box, Ziva walked over to him, "Tony, you don't need to leave…I mean what will you do, can you go back to being just a policeman?"

Tony gave a feral grin, "Agent David,I was never just a policeman and now I don't work for NCIS anymore it isn't going to change anything so at least you won't have to pretend to like me anymore…unless," He grinned "You ever want to be higher than a federal agent."

Vance came down the stairs looking really shocked, "DiNozzo…I…I just had a call from John Brennan the head of the CIA…is it true?" he asked.

Tony took out his badge and gun.

"Yes Leon, its true…effective immediately, I'm handing back the badge, but I'll keep the gun until I can get a replacement if I may." He said.

Vance took the badge, "Yes Sir," he said, "What can we at NCIS do for you?" he asked shakily as Ziva looked on her mouth agape.

"Tony?" she said.

Vance whirled on her, "You will address him as Director DiNozzo or Sir, until he tells you otherwise Agent David," Vance snapped.

Tony couldn't help the small smile that crossed his face, "It's ok Leon, she'll get used to it, Ziva I've left NCIS and am now the Director of NCS."

Ziva looked confused "You've left NCIS and are now the Director of NCIS isn't that Vance's job?"

"NCS…Ziva, it's the National Clandestine Service, part of the CIA, Effective immediately I outrank you all." Tony said. "Vance with me," Tony said putting the last of his things in a box and depositing a locked box and key on Gibbs' desk. They headed to interrogation as Ziva grabbed the phone to let McGee and Abby know what had just happened.

Jenny sat in interrogation but didn't say a word.

"I can't tell you anything yet Jeth…Agent Gibbs." She said at his glare, "I am waiting for clearance."

Gibbs sat fuming, "Well if clearance is more important to you than your son, you make a wonderful parent Mrs. DiNozzo." He snarled.

Jen bit back a sob, but held her composure. She jumped as the door opened, and Tony and Director Vance walked in.

"Leon…." Tony started

"DiNozzo get the hell out of here." Gibbs growled.

"Leon, take Agent Gibbs out of here and fill him in." Tony said with more authority than Gibbs had ever heard in his life. Gibbs looked up surprised and was nearly floored when Leon answered, "Yes Sir."

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