Chapter 9

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Gibbs and Ana sat with Max as the doctors bustled around him. McGee and Ziva stood to one side as Gibbs talked to Max and got his statement.

"Hey Max, my name is Gibbs, I'm a friend of your mom and dad's, you wanna tell me what happened?" He asked.

"Are they dead?" Max asked, "Noemi and Tom?"

Gibbs nodded and held out his arms as Max cried, after a few minutes Max schooled his features and stepped back. "They were good parents." He stated.

"Did you always know you weren't their son?" Gibbs asked.

"Noemi used to tell me stories, mostly about my mom and some about my dad, I saw pictures and knew they were on a huge case and worked for the government and that she and Tom were looking after me until it was safe for me to go home…is it safe yet, can I meet them?"

"Soon Max, I promise." Gibbs said, "Did Jasper hurt you?" he asked.

"My grandfather beat me, he told me it was to hurt my mom but he made me take pictures and call him sir. I think he sent them to hurt her." Max said, "He was on the phone a few times talking to someone called Banks, I remembered what he said in case it is useful." He told Gibbs who smiled.

"You are a lot like your parents Max," Gibbs smiled.

"I know that's not really my name." The seven year old said with a sparkle in his eyes, "Noemi taught me my birth name in case I needed help; it's nearly the same as my fathers, its Anthony Jethro DiNozzo the third." He said proudly. "Mama Noemi and Papa Tom called me AJ when I was really good."

"OK AJ." Gibbs said, "You've done really well. When the doctor has finished checking you over will you tell me what Jasper said to Banks?"

AJ nodded, "Sure."

"Ok Agent McGee will sit with you while I go check on something." Gibbs said and nodded to McGee as he walked out the door.

Gibbs picked up the phone, "Director, your son is here and he's being checked out now, you coming?"

He moved the phone away at the yell on the other end; Gibbs smiled a bit of course he was coming.

Tony and Jen peeled into the car park at Bethesda with the protection detail on their tail.

A policeman pulled up beside him as he got out of the car.

Fielding and Sparks got out and flashed their badges at the patrol officer and quickly explained the situation. Tony and Jen walked into the hospital and Jen flashed her badge at the security guard, who let her through the metal detector, Tony had to, after explanations from Jen leave his weapon in a lock box, his new ID hadn't come through yet and right then he didn't care he would have thrown his gun and run into the building if he could have done. The phone call from Gibbs while he was trying to sort things out with the security guard didn't help matters.

"Director DiNozzo." He snapped as he took the call.

Jen and the security guard waited.

"OF COURSE I'M BLOODY COMING!" he yelled down the phone and slammed it shut.

"Is he ok?" Jen asked concerned.

Tony glared at the security guard who eventually waved them through, "He's ok, the doctor's are checking him out now." He said.

They walked up to reception, "Max Watson?" Jen asked.

The nurse looked for a second the name was there and then it was gone…"Erm…just a moment," She said flustered. "His name was there then it wasn't."She said confused.

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