Chapter 11

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He got showered and dressed; he hadn't moved all of his stuff back from his in-town apartment yet, although it was on his to-do list for the weekend. His aim was by the time he moved into his new office he would be at his home with his family intact.

He looked out the window and grinned, no matter how much he had tried to give his protective detail the slip over the last few days; there they were as reliable as ever sitting in their car waiting for him to leave. He decided he was right to accept those two and they were definitely getting the job full time.

He looked on the floor in AJ's room, and put two fingers to his mouth and whistled.

"Up and at em, Breakfast in 5." He grinned as the trio groaned.

"Tony?!" Abby groaned, "It's early!"

"AJ's coming home today." He grinned as he walked off.

Abby jumped up pulling Tim and Jimmy with her. "COME ON!" she yelled.

"Abbs, you can use our bathroom. It has Jen's 'girl' stuff in you can use; you two can use the spare bathroom end of the hall last door on left.

Within the hour they were all trooping down the stairs, Jimmy leading the way to the kitchen, where Tony was sat on the counter in an Ohio state sweatshirt and jeans still barefoot, eating a slice of toast and drinking a coffee.

Jimmy walked up to the counter and opened the kitchen cupboard and looked at Tony, "Where's my mug?" he asked.

"Jen moved the cupboard, next one over." Tony said Jimmy opened the door and pulled a large purple mug with 'Autopsy Gremlin' in big green letters and a 1940's cartoon gremlin on the other side, off the shelf and filled it with coffee.

"You have your own mug?" Tim asked as he grabbed one and looked to Tony for permission and filled it as he nodded.

"Sure, unlike you guys when Gibbs went to Mexico, I was there for Tony and Jen, I was his best man at his wedding, I sat with him the night Jen died and helped him pack as he was sent away, Tony was team leader you all turned your back on him, he has forgiven you and I will too, but he is like a brother to me and I will always stand behind him."

Jen's eyes fluttered open and he felt a small form next to him, "Momma?" AJ yawned.

"Hey buddy, how are you doing?" she asked.

"Sleepy, Can I come home with you today?" he asked with a yawn.

"Yep, just need the doctor to check you out and then we will be off home." Jen told her son.

Gibbs knocked on the door and stuck his head around the corner, "Hey, Jen…You got a second?" he asked.

Jen nodded and slipped out from under AJ and looked at Ana who waved her away, "I will watch him do not worry,"

She slipped out of the room and followed Gibbs down the hallway.

He found and empty room and gestured her to enter.

"I'm sorry Jen." Gibbs said leaning against the desk that was in the room and motioning her to sit in the chair.

She sat and looked at him, "You're sorry? What for?" she asked.

"Before you were shot, you asked me…remember, if there was any hope for us and I said no, I am sorry I said that, I hurt you and then I was blown up and you were shot, I forced you into his arms and I'm sorry."

Jen's face clouded over, "You're sorry I fell in love with Tony?"

Gibbs shrugged, "I won't get in the way Jen, I just wanted you to know, I didn't mean to get mad, but I got my memory back after you died, I didn't know about him, but I know I love you."

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