Chapter 10

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Jen was sat on the bed with AJ tucked up in her arms; the doctor had managed, with some considerable coaching from his mother, to take a blood sample.

AJ was drifting off as the door opened but managed a small smile as Tony and Tim walked in.

"Daddy…Uncle Tim…the doctor took my blood…it hurts daddy!" AJ said lifting his arm.

Tony walked up to his son and kissed his head, "I know these things can hurt, but in the end it helps make you better quicker and then you can go home."

AJ looked sad and a tear escaped as he turned his face away.

"What's up sport?" Tim asked pulling a chair close to the bed and sitting at AJ's level.

"I'm gonna miss mommy and daddy." He mumbled.

Tim looked confused, "Noemi and Tom didn't mean to leave, they would have stayed if they could you know that?"

AJ nodded.

"Uncle Tim?" AJ said "If I have to go home and Mama and Papa aren't there anymore, who will look after me till Mommy and Daddy can have me?"

Jen overhearing lifted her son's face, "Anthony Jethro DiNozzo, do not for one instant think that I am ever letting you out of my sight again. Uncle Tim and Daddy and Auntie Ana caught all the bad guys, it's safe for you to come home with us now." She told him and smiled as his face split into a huge grin.

"Really?!" he asked sporting a grin that looked so much like his fathers.

"Really, and you are going to love your room." Tony said with a smile then turned to Tim, "Probie, got a sec?" He asked and they both stepped outside again, this time ignoring Gibbs and Ziva on the other side of the door.

"Probie I need your help." Tony stated ignoring the smirk that Ziva gave at Tony asking for help.

Tim grinned, "You just tell me which room and I'm on it…I know you want me to ask them as well….but nope, you're on your own with that one, but I wanna listen."

Tony rolled his eyes, "FINE!" he huffed and grabbed McGee's phone.

"HEY!" Tim said trying to get his phone back from Tony.

"Oh please, tell me you don't have her number on speed dial." Tony kidded.

"Number 2…" Tim admitted.

"OOH! Whose number one then….Ziva? Gibbs?" Tony joked, Gibbs grinned a little, and it reminded him of the old times.

"No, you." Tim said flatly and Tony stopped.


"You were my Boss, my direct superior so yeah, you were number one…Abby is, well…Abby so she's number two, Gibbs is three, Autopsy was four, Sarah was five and Ziva was six. Gonna have to change that now." He grumbled.

"Na just put my new number in there." Tony smiled. He pressed the number and listened to it ring.

"Timmy!" Abby's voice came over the loudspeaker.

"Nope try again." Tony laughed.

"UBER BOSS!" Abby squealed.

"Abbs' I need a favor." Tony said Abby instantly quieted down.

"Ziva or the Bossman giving you trouble…you know I can…."

"Abby!" Tony cut it, "It's handled."

"Oh... you want me to bury the bodies?" Abby asked.

"Abby!" Tony said again exasperated, "AJ's coming home."

"WHO?" Abby asked.

"Max…" Tony said, "Thing is…I don't have a room ready for him." Tony admitted,

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