Chapter 3

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This is the exciting Chapter just before the exciting one! I told you something good was going to happen soon.

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Chapter 3

(Edward's POV)

" It was good to have you over, Angela. I'm glad you came. " Bella said with sheer happiness. I knew she wished Angela could stay longer but within a house full of vampires - and some werewolves - it wouldn't be safe. " I loved staying here. I'll come back in a few weeks and this time I'll follow the lights. " Angela said laughing. Bella and I laughed to. Somethings definately changed about her. I just need to figure out what. Ben should be here to pick me up any minute. I have to go NOW. Go. Go. Go. That's weird. I thought she got lost. Hm.

" We'll see you soon Angela. " I say walking towards her so she'll get out faster. " Okay. See you. " She says waving as I shut the door. " What did she think? " Bella asked truly curious.

" Nothing really. " I say, walking towards the sofa. " Nessie's sleeping. " Zafrina said coming back down the stairs. I'd forgotten she was here. She came as a surprise for Renesmee's birthday. She had changed her feeding diet and her eyes were now a color of Topaz and light brown. She would need to hunt tomorrow. We can't let her slip. Not after six and a half months. I look away form her then. She's thinking about me. And how she can't have someone to love her like I love Bella.

" Edward! " She suddenly says. " I can't go to Canada alone! I'm still classed as a newborn! I could kill Jess! " She was crying tearlessly. I was shocked. Where had this come from? I tried to soothe her and so did Jake.

" You'll be fine Bella. " I say stroking her hair. " No I won't! " She says to me. " Bells! You're being stupid! You'll do fine. Your Isabella Cullen! " He said confidently. I looked at him then back at Bella. " Would you like us to run you half way? " I asked her. Jaked looked at me like I was a genius.

" Would you mind? " She asked calming down a little. " No. We don't " Jake says smiling. She laughs and nods. " Okay. Only half of the way there! " She said laughing. We agreed and sat there chatting.

* * *

(Bella's POV)

" Emmett! " I complained. " It was my birthday three weeks ago! Can you stop asking me to go over what happened that night?! " he grinned and shook his head. I ran, making zigzags. I climbed up one of the trees and jumped onto the one next to it but Emmett had beat me there. " Aw... is little sis scared of his big brother? " He said to me in a baby voice.

I jumped off the tree and ran through the rest of the forest then came to the river and jumped it in one bound. I ran round the house twice laughing at Emmett running through the river instead of jumping over it. I jumped into Edwards old room through the glass window. - it looked more like a glass wall than a window. - I was surprised that it was open.

I closed it roughly and turned around to see Edward sitting on his black sofa waiting on me. " Did Alice see? " I said going to sit by him. " Possibly. " He said grinning. I gave him a hug and sighed. I went to go into the attic, where Alice wants to meet me.

Edward grabs my waist and pulls me onto the bed. Before I know it I'm pulling him closer to me. He's pulling me closer to him. Suddenly there's a bang from his window and we both sit up laughing. I go over to the window to see Emmett lying in a pile of leaves. I laugh a little more and go back over to Edward.

We begin chatting and again we end up kissing. " Ew. " I heard Emmett say from the bedroom door. I look at him to give him a scowl but burst out laughing because he was covered in leaves.

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