Chapter 5

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This Chapter is really only about how Bella is adjusting to living with Volturi. Thanks, agin if you are reading this. Please remember to Vote and comment.


Chapter 5

I walk slowly towards the drain that I had entered only once before. I didn’t remember well. It felt like someone was holding a curtain in the way. It’s all fuzzy. I jump through the hole in the street and this time no one is there to catch me.

I can’t believe I’m doing this. But I had to keep my family safe. I could stick this out for a week. Could I? I have to make an escape quickly. The dark underground made me remember my first time here. Jane was too far in front for my human eyes to see. Alice was slightly ahead of me. I can remember Demetri and Felix walking behind us, impatient at my pace. Edward stood beside me, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

We entered one of the many halls quicker than I thought. We must have been going at an immortal speed. I was too busy admiring the room with my new eyes other than my old human eyes. I bumped into Felix as I was about to get into the elevator. “Well, if it isn’t Isabella Sw…” I growled. “Why’s she so moody? And what’s she doing here?” He asked suspicion clear in his voice.

“It’s Cullen.” I said icily. He laughed at that. “She asked me if she could join us.” I glare at Alec. How could he just stand there as if he hadn’t kidnapped me from my family, or taken me from my daughter? Of course I knew how. He had no feeling toward anyone or anything… except the Volturi.

“Nice one. I don’t know how you manage to get the ones Aro really wants.” He compliments Alec. This place is really weird. “Don’t tell Aro. I want to surprise him.” Alec says excitedly. My phone starts ringing.

I pick it up and look at the number. I don’t recognize it. “Hello?” I answer quietly. “It’s Seth. Edward says he’s coming to get you if you’re not back within a month. Please come back quickly. He’s going crazy. Oh, Leah says sorry she wasn’t there to help save you.” I listen harder and I think I hear trees being snapped in the background. Suddenly there’s a loud screech not far from Seth. I stop breathing and hang up.

Did Edward hurt someone? I hope he didn’t. I don’t move. I don’t even bother to drop my phone. “Bella. Come on. We’ll go get you into more appropriate clothing. We’ll also show you, your new room.” I don’t move and Felix groans. He lifts me up and carries me into the elevator. I can hear him grumbling but I don’t even squirm.

Has Edward killed one of the family? Please Edward, tell me you didn’t. Once the elevator doors are closed Felix puts me down. I don’t move an inch. He gets annoyed at me and grabs the phone out of my hand. He stands in front of me and snaps it in two.

I growl and pounce on him. “You idiot! You broke my phone. My only way of keeping contact with Edward and Nessie!” Alec pulls me off of him and I squirm about in his arms. “Will you stop it Bella?!” Alec says to me sternly as if he’s telling me off.

I stop and he lets me go. I walk out of the elevator and wait until Alec and Felix are in front of me. I pounce on Felix again and this time Alec can’t get me off of him. I laugh. I’m enjoying myself. I hope I’m putting Felix into pain. He broke my phone. He will say sorry, whether or not it’s the last thing I do.

“Get off of me!” He screamed. I laugh again. I know it sounds pretty sadistic but when you’ve been taken from your family, when your husband is cracking up and when you only have a month to find a way out of here, you take it out on who ever annoys you first.

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