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Colby's pov
                     I walked downstairs and I sit on the sofa, we were all here but aubrie

"so where's aubrie" I ask

"she went out and she wouldn't tell me where" Kat said with a frown "nah I'm joking but she did go out"

" oh okay I was just checking"

"mmhmm you know you could just text her instead of asking me"

I looked at her " what are you implying"

"oh nothin *shepaused* I'm not stupid I catch on very quickly" she said shrugging her shoulder's

" um what" I said raising my eyebrows

"if u don't want Jo one to know then stop making it obvious" she said walk away


aubrie's pov;
                         He pulled out the chair and sat down it was weird I haven't seen him in a year and I was already over him well I thought I was but this feeling that I'm feeling I don't wanna feel it I've done so much to get rid of it I guess it was never gone.

"hey thanks for agreeing to meet with me"

" what did you wanna talk about"

"do you have somewhere to be"

"no but I don't wanna be in here for a long time" I was lying I just didn't wanna end up catching feelings again

" okay I'll cut to the chase I've worked on my issues"

" oh why did you have to tell me that"

" because last time it ended really bad I was throwing things broke things and I never wanted you to be afraid of me"

" yup well things happen and aren't meant to be"

"bri im still madly in love with you I hate to admit it but I am" he said looking down at his feet.

I paused, I looked at him I was shocked but once I heard those words I didn't feel that feeling, like a spark but I don't want to hurt him but I don't wanna lead him on either...

"Alex I'm sorry but I don't have to same feelings"

"yeah I figured let me guess you met someone new" he looked upset

"no it's not that it's just I don't see us together and I need to move on and work on my career"

" yeah okay I get it so if you change your mind you have my number" he said

He got up from the chair and pushed it in and walked out the door, I was lying there is someone else but I can't tell him that he'll go all crazy and I hate it hopefully he stay out my life completely, I took out my phone and deleted his number sorry no I blocked his number. I called an uber to come pick me up, the uber finally came i got in and i gave him the address.


I finally got home, i walked in and went straight upstairs i went in my room and just sat there i just realized what i did today i didn't wanna think about this anymore i went downstairs and saw kat,sam,jake,devyn,corey,colby,and xeph "hey guys" i said 

" heyy what have you been doing today" kat asked 

"nothing just hanging out with some friends why"

" just asking sheesh anyways were about to go out wanna come even tho if you say no your gonna come anyway" 

"oh really *pause* but im gonna come anyway only because i want to" we just started laughing 

"well i have to get ready" xeph said "same" devyn said 

everyone was getting ready and i went to go get in the shower, i took about 30 min or so i finally finished i got out and dried my self and wrapped the towel around me i opened the door and starting walking to my room i walked in and left the door open just a little bit no on purpose though then i heard a knock on the door i turned around and it was colby 

"um hey *i paused* do you need anything?"

" i just came to ask you something but we can talk later you can finish getting um.. dressed" he coughed 

" um yeah or you could just come in i mean you don't have to watch me we could just .... talk" i said with a slight smile 

he came in and i closed the door 

" so what did you wanna talk about" i said dropping my towel, i picked up my black laced bralette and my black lacey underwear i put it on

"well um i just wanted to talk about the uh thing that happend last time in my room" 

"oh well your gonna have to tell me cause i don't really remember" 

he stood up and walked over to me he turned me around and put his hand on my face and leaned in, i felt his lips against mine he then kissed my neck I let out faint moans he grabbed my face and starting to kiss me gently after all the times I wanted him to kiss me I didn't want him to kiss me gentle he pushed me on to the bed grabbed my hands and put it above me and starting to kiss my neck then down to my stomach he moved his face up to my face his eyes meeting mine he looks at my lips and starts to kiss me intensely I was gonna go all the way but then we heard a knock on the door, I struggled to let out the words

"wh-who is it" i yelled

 " its devyn ,you done getting dressed?"  

" um yeah almost just wait for me downstairs okay? i exclaimed     "okay" she said

she walked away from the door and walked down the stairs. i got up and grabbed my outfit 

" um you should go so we don't seem suspicious" 

"yeah uh see you downstairs he said while walking out the door .i got dressed and went downstairs  "okay i'm ready lets go"

i got dressed and went downstairs  "okay i'm ready lets go"

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(she wore this)

well how ya'll like this chapter hopefully y'all like it,thoughts on the kiss?well see you guys next chapter besos💋

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