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Aubrie's POV
                      We got to the party and surprisingly I saw some of my friends, I made small chit chat with some people that Kat introduced me to but that was it. For the rest of the night I drank and hung out with my friends.

While I was sitting on the couch Colby walked over to me with some boy,

"hey aubrie this is brennen"

"hey nice to meet you"

"yeah same here" he laughed and shaked my hand

"so y'all go out!" he asked

"umm nope" I said colby gave me a faint smile

I felt bad but we weren't dating we just kissed twice we never had a talk about this or what the kiss meant we always get interrupted.

"oh ok so let's get a drink" he shouted

 the music was so loud, I nodded my head and we walked over to the table wear all the liquor and stuff are, while I was making my drink a girl walked over to Brennen and colby I turned around and IT WAS TANA FUCKING MONGEAU !!

"hey tana this is aubrie" Brennen said

"heyy girl" she said with a smile and we hugged

"hey omg I literally love you" I squealed and gave her another hug

"Omfg really omg i feel so loved okay hold on lets go over to my friends

she grabbed my hand and brought me over to them

"okay so this is Ashley, Imari, Mario and this is Jake my fiance"

"hey" I said hugging all of them i wasn't a big fan of jake paul but I made an exception because

We drank and talked, made videos it was honestly really fun i mean i missed colby but i brushed it aside i was gonna live with him because of the whole roommate things. I spent the entire time with tana and the rest of her friends, i don't know why people don't like her she's a cool person.

I got to the point where everything was a blur. Since we were in the living room my drunk ass walked over to Kat and the rest of them and they could see i was really drunk and since it was still kinda early (1:35 am) to them it was early but it really wasn ' t anyway they sat me down and said someone should take me home

"Colby do u mind taking her home?" Kat asked

"No ofc not" he said

UMM i was freaking out because at my state of mind i can say something i really don't wanna say. I got up and kat walked me over to the car so I wouldn't trip on my way there colby opened the door for me and i got in.

"Get home drunk u guys" sam said

"Okay brother see you guys later" he slaps his hand

We were both in the car alone once again, we drove off. It was quiet too quiet if u ask me. By this time I was getting sobered up. I was waiting for one of us to say something then just what I wished for he spoke,

"Are you okay" he asked

"Yeah just a lil drunk"

"Oh ok well we're almost home so im assuming your pretty tired?"

"Um not really" I lied do I know why? Nope.

"Oh okay" he said that was pretty much how the conversation went.

We got to the driveway of the house I got out of the car and started to walk to the door wait for colby since i didn't have a key yet, he unlocked it and we both walked in,

"So since your not tired wanna watch a movie?" He asked

"Yeah why not" i smiled

"We could watch it in my room since its only the two of us" he smiled and then walked upstairs "first I'm gonna take a shower" he said from upstairs

"Okay !" I said

I walked up to my room and took out some pajamas and a towel so I can take a shower. There were three bathrooms in the house one downstairs and two upstairs since there is a lot of people living in the house but anyway I walked to the other bathroom not the one Colby was in although the thought hadn't crossed my mind of getting in the shower with him and have shower sex but were not there yet .

I turned the nob for the shower to warm and hopped in, it was regular nothing special everything was shaved for my well being. I took a nice 20 minute shower cleaning every inch of my body. I was done rinsing off my body and turned the shower off and got out the shower I dried my body off and put my clothes on, i had these silk black shorts and a silky black top and long black fluffy socks with skulls on them.

I walked back to my room and put my clothes in my hamper, should i go knock on Colby's Door ? Ugh you know what I'll just go i walked out my room and lightly walked to his door and knocked lightly, he opened the door

"Come in" he said

He had his shirt off and some grey  sweatpants on

"So what movie are we gonna watch?"

"Whatever you want, a scary movie or a funny movie ? Those two options" he said with a smile

I smiled "scary ofc" 

He smiled , I sat on his bed and he grabbed the remote and put on "scary stories to tell in the dark" I wanted to watch this movie the day it came out but I didn't feel like going. He sat next to me and on the table next to us was popcorn and other snacks on the table.

We just sat there watching the movie we made small comments like you would usually do watching a movie. I looked at him and he noticed me looking and i looked back to at the tv, he put his hand on my thigh I looked at him, he grabbed my face gently and said

"Should we finish what we started?"

My voice shakened "yeah we should"

He pressed his lips against mine, it was just the two of us now no one here to stop us go all the way ...

Note: um I am so sorry i didn't update in like months but im back and im gonna start writing again. emoxsenta 💜

||^l̲̅i̲̅f̲̅e̲̅ i̲̅s̲̅ o̲̅v̲̅e̲̅r̲̅r̲̅a̲̅t̲̅e̲̅d̲̅^||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon