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He pulls away, tongue sliding over his bottom lip languorously. ''salty...''

You sniff. ''So is your attitude but you don't see me complaining''

After he suddenly smashed his lips onto yours, you had somehow regained your sanity. If it was any other day, you would have been highkey turned on but now was just not the time for any kinky business.

When no more noises are discernible, Taehyung glances at his ring. ''It's clear. Let's get out''

A fresh gush of wind welcomes you when you stumble out of the crampy closet. It was pretty heated in there...

Wiping the remnants of tears with your sleeve, you sniff and sit cross legged on the floor.

''Your mum was found unconscious in the street, she's currently in hospital'' he suddenly states, avoiding your gaze. ''I couldn't tell you straight away because it would make you scared...you almost gave in to fearing moments ago''

You bury your head into your arms. ''At least she's alive..''

''Jungkook is with her'' he adds, providing a better sense of comfort. You bite your lip, looking up at him directly.

''What would've happened if I feared completely?''

''It would've got to you in an instant...'' he mutters, eyes flashing in intensity as he locked gazes with you. ''And I would be able to control you in whatever way I pleased''

''kinky'' you nod, pursing your lips. ''...you also kissed me''

''to shut you up'' he retaliates.

''But you did like it'' you answer back.

''fuck you''

You sigh, burying your head into your arms once again. Taehyung backs away, thinking you were about to cry again.

''Unfuck you'' he pops in an attempt to take back his insult.

''I'm not crying'' you quietly laugh, glancing up. Heaving a heavy sigh, you stand on your feet and grab Taehyung's hand. ''Take me to my mum. I wanna see her''


You are burrowed inside his cloak as he jumps into the midnight sky, arms holding you from behind firmly. ''Wouldn't it have been easier if we took an uber or something?''

''Jumping is easier'' he responds, chin leant against your shoulder for support. The frosty breeze bites your skin, tousling your hair into buoyant curls.

You were like a firework storming through the velvet dark, the blaze that dares to light up the night. It was hard to shove aside the worries corrupting your mind, but watching the milky speckles and warped shapes dancing along the sky, you eventually stopped thinking.

''We're here'' his rich, silky voice spoke up, shattering the peaceful silence. You pop out of his cloak, the warmth his body provided disappearing in an instant. You look up at the hospital building, breath forming smoky puffs.

How did she even end up here? Did Kai, or rather the monster inside him hurt her?

You glance back at Taehyung, who leans against the wall arms crossed. ''I'll wait here. Go''

You nod, entering through the doors. The brightly lit atmosphere hurts your eyes before they adjust. The hospital corridor is stuffy and has a undertone of bleach and disinfectant, nurses unhurried and moving with a serene purposefulness from room to room on their rounds.

When you finally find the room your mother was placed in, you hurry inside in an instant. She is on the bed, resting peacefully.

''Yo'' Jungkook greets, informing you of his presence. You glance to the bench he was sitting on, his bored face contorting into a lazy smile. ''She's okay''

The muscles in your shoulders relax, a sigh of relief escaping your mouth. ''Thank you for staying with her''

''Well Taehyung threatened to shove a porcupine up my ass if I didn't'' he shivers, upper lip twisted in grotesque. You can't help but smile.

''Do you know who did this?'' you ask.

''Most likely the doings of Sat- you know who'' he quickly corrects himself, ''Besides...he seems to have some weird obsession with you''

You tilt your head in confusion as you watch him shove his hands into his pockets, picking out a paper. ''This was attached to her when we found her''

You take the crumpled piece of paper. ''M1N£'' it read in funky letters.

You scrunch it up and throw it into the trash. ''But why me? There's much more cuter girls out there''

''I can see why he likes you...'' Jungkook nibbles on his lips, looking away ''You're badass and sexy'

Your eyes widen, a blush rising to your cheeks. ''That's the first time a boy has said that about me''


You nod.

''But...'' he bites his lip in thought. ''It's unusual...it can't possess someone's body for that long unless...''

''I'm confusion''

Jungkook's eyes widen before he turns to you. ''Y/N...this friend of yours must have made a deal with the devil himself! No wonder...'' his doe eyes gaze at you in epiphany. ''...Did Kai like you by any chance?''

You're quite surprised yourself after hearing such a theory. ''Well I always bro-zoned him so I dont know...''

You eyes squint in thought, mind slowly comprehending. ''oh man holy shit''

A snort erupts from Jungkook as he coughs away his chuckle. ''Oh yeah...by the way'' his face distorts into a much more serious expression, ''You have one more day to decide if you want to join us. The Lord is getting impatient''

I totally forgot about that...

Your eyes trail to the frail body of your mother on the hospital bed. I wasn't able to protect her...

Who's gonna look out for her when I'm gone?

Fiddling with your fingers, you look up with a determined conclusion. ''Jungkook, I'm sorry'' you begin, ''I can't join. My mum needs me as much as I need her. She'll go crazy if she finds out I'm involved with this stuff too...''

After a moment of silence, he smiles. ''I understand. I'll let the Lord know''

You're somehow disappointed by your answer but you decide it's for the best. Guilt swirls in tornado's inside of you as you wonder about your missing friend Lisa, and how you had failed to save her.

Brushing away the uneasy feeling at the back of your throat, you head back home.

The nurse didn't allow your mother to leave straight away, because she had not fully recovered. ''Collect her tomorrow'' they said.

So you had to leave the hospital at 1AM, accompanied by two dangerous men who were not so dangerous.

''Do we take Y/N home?'' Jungkook asks Taehyung when you leave the building.

''You can do that, I'm tired'' he responds lamely, turning around.

''Get on my back, Y/N. I'll carry you~''

''I-I'm kinda heavy'' you awkwardly laugh, wondering how on earth he was going to jump over buildings with you on top of him. ''Shall I get inside your cloak?''

''Yeah, if you want my bulge pressed along you the entire way'' he answers with a smirk. Your face flushes.

Taehyung snaps his head back, a scowl marring his features. ''You're coming with me'' he grabs your wrist, shoving you inside his cloak.

A/N: wanna be my bro?

Unknown || kth. ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz