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''Welcome to Area 51''

Your eyes widen, gaze scanning the large modern expanse of area. Brightly lit lights decorate the high vaulted ceilings, a contrast to the darkening gloom outside.

Behind Jungkook and Taehyung, many other people scurry around the polished linoleum floor, feet squeaking.

Some poeple are eating, some chatting away, and some working with some high tech machines.

''W...Wow...'' you're so overwhelmed by the sudden change in atmosphere you don't realise another five figures surround you.

''It's that girl again..huh'' Namjoon, also known as the golden mask peers down at you, eyebrow raised in a supercilious way. ''Finally decided to join?''

''Where's my mum?'' you get straight to the point, ignoring the fact that the rest of these guys were incredibly handsome.

''She's safe, rest assured'' one of them speak up, porcelain smooth skin brighter than your future. You pause, examining his flawless skin.

''I'm sorry, what's your skin care routine?''

Jungkook suppresses a chuckle while Taehyung scoffs. ''Cold water'' the pale man responds.

''What about me?'' the heart mask also known as Jin steps up, fingers tracing along his features elegantly. ''I'm fucking beautiful''

''Indeed!'' you nod in agreement, ''Looking at you for more than five seconds makes me blush...''

''I don't blame you, I blush when I look into the mirror too'' he states proudly, ''In fact, I'm so beautiful I could fuck me right now''

''Enough'' Namjoon gags, shoving him away and turning to you. ''We haven't given you a proper welcome yet. Allow us to introduce ourselves''

''I'm Namjoon, the golden mask. You fuck with me, you catching these hands'' he flashes you a half smile, showcasing his dimples.

''If it means I get to hold dem hands of yours I don't mind'' you half joke, lips tilted into a cocky grin. You hear a deep murmur of disapproval.

''Also, I'm only into expensive girls. So don't try and hit on me'' he adds, a little harshly.

You make a face before your eyes move onto the next figure. ''Yoongi, the snake mask'' the pale skinned man briefly states, ''I like sleeping''

''You like sleeping? Let's do it together sometime'' you wink, as Taehyung and Jungkook clear their throats loudly in the background.

Another tall figure steps up. ''I am Hoseok, also known as the star mask. I shine through the darkness. I am the light, everyone's hope''

''You must indeed be a star, because you look beautiful from a distance'' you gaze at his empowering presence in awe. You can almost hear Taehyung's teeth grinding.

''This girl is smoother than my skin'' Jin nods in satisfaction. ''Me likey''

Jimin clears his throat, signalling his presence. ''Lightning mask, I believe we've met before. And I may be short but my di-''

''-divine love for the Lord is great CAN I GET AN AMEN'' Taehyung interrupts as Jungkook screams a loud ''AMEN!''

They all chuckle deeply, resulting in a deep, manly sound which resonated around. You notice a girl peek over at them once in a while, now making her way towards them.

''Oh, what's the commotion about? A newcomer?'' she smiles at you sweetly, extending a hand. ''I'm Uri, nice to meet you. Y/N, right? We've been expecting your arrival''

You blink, laughing sheepishly in response. ''Looks like I'm popular around here''

Her charming smile remains on her face, and you take that chance to examine her features. She had soft, delicate features and honey glazed skin. Her doe eyes are framed with lashes which seemed curled, coated with a layer of mascara. Her hair was shoulder length and wavy, which she kept flipping backwards once in a while.

''You're pretty!''

''Thank you'' she bows, her pearly white teeth shining as she smiles. ''I'll get going. You can look around, if you want''

Swiftly turning back around, she walks away. ''Uri, wait up'' Taehyung calls, following after her. Exchanging a few words, they smile before turning back around.

''Oh? I thought Taehyung wasn't good with girls?''

''He said that?'' Jungkook laughs, ''I guess it's true...except with Uri. They get along quite well''

''It's nice to see him smile'' you nod, looking away. ''So what do I do from here? When do I meet this Lord bitch?''

''He'll/she'll call for you when they want to'' he answers, glancing around. ''In the meantime, shall I give you a tour?''

''Yes please!''

''That's how we enter into this place'' Jungkook points at the slide like tunnel behind you, where the hole took you after jumping in. ''And a bit further, this is where the machines are used for special experiments''

Typing a bunch of numbers on the door lock, it shifts open, smoke exuding out of the edges. You follow him inside, cold air biting onto your skin immediately. Your eyes widen in surprisement and shock, sight welcomed by blue neon lights and metal tubes holding some sort of creatures.


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''Yo...'' you're left speechless at what lies beneath your eyes, mind unable to comprehend such a sight. ''Aliens? What...I thought they don't exist..''

''Come on, this is Area 51'' he grins, ''Expect the unexpected''

You close your gaped mouth with a gulp, exiting out the freezing room. ''But...it doesn't make sense. What has this got to do with all the missing teenagers? And Satan?''

''These aliens....'' he looks down, guilt lacing his tone, ''...are the missing teenagers''

A/N: the fact that this was posted on the day of the area 51 raid 😂👽 my mind's wildin ya'll won't be prepared for what's to come lolol

[Scenario] Taekook in school

Jungkook: *highlighting an entire page of his notes*

Taehyung: bro, you're only supposed to highlight the important bits

Jungkook: *highlights Taehyung's arm*

Taehyung: bro, why'd you do that?

Jungkook: because you're important to me bro

Taehyung: bro

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