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''...he may have lost the battle, but he won the war''


''Impossible...'' the King breathes, expression incredulous as to how his duplicitous motives were beginning to fail.

The tables has turned.

The sudden revelation of a V's existence had rendered everyone surprised, but defeating the current threat was the main focus at hand.

''There may come a day when we lose...'' Namjoon's determined voice asserts, springing fire into the eyes of the army behind him. ''...but that day is not today. Today we fight ''

bam bam bam sjdjjsnfjhsjsg69vfusnjv (various fighting noises)


Despite the numerous attacks thrown at the King in an attempt to even land a scratch, he rises unscathed. His porcelain skin was still flawless, hair hanging over his crimson eyes immaculately.

''WHEN IS THIS BITCH GONNA DIE?!!!'' Mark screams, smoke pouring out his mouth and dispersing into the frigid air.

''This guy...'' Jimin pants in exhaustion. ''He's really something else''

King smirks, fingers running a hand through his jet black silky hair.

Jin huffs, a scowl marring his handsome features. ''Look at him tryna flex his dead trim. I'm the only peng ting round here-''

''Shut up, we're trying to deal with something serious here'' Yoongi rolls his eyes at the olders narcissist remarks.

Taehyung remains frozen for a few moments, simply taking everything in. Fires of fury and hatred were smoldering in his hooded narrowed eyes as he weighed the pros and cons of the various and creative means available to him for exacting revenge. The feral anger within him was hot like lava, ready to erupt, churning beneath his stony expression.

''It was all because of you...'' he mutters in a deep growl, picking up the silver sword which V had used. He finally looks up, eyes so dark and intense you wouldn't dare look away.

''Yes, and what exactly-''

In a split second, Taehyung disappears from his spot in such speed you had to blink a few times to find him again.


A prominent cut decorated the canvas of his pale skin, a deep wound slashed across his neck.

But no blood comes out.

Expressions of horror were plastered onto the faces of each individual as they watched his neck twist and turn into a cloud of smoke. ''What in the hell are you?'' Namjoon breathes.

A deep, sinister laugh cracks through the air as his murky body blends in with the frigid wind. ''You guys are boring me...''

And with a long flick of his tongue, he licks his lips before whispering ''Adios'' and vanishing out of sight. 


The faint chatter of many resonated around the air, the incident rendering everyone pretty exhausted.

Whether they had gotten rid of King for good remained a mystery, did he truly vanish for good or did he go back into hiding?

However no one was bothered enough to take the thought into consideration at this point, glad he was at least gone for now.

On the bright side, your parents, Kai and Uri were no longer possessed. Their bodies had taken quite a bit of damage so they were tended to and then placed to rest.

''It's been a wild day...'' you sigh, tucking a strand of hair behind your mothers ear. You hadn't seen the real her since ages, how would she react after she woke up? Will she remember everything she did while she was possessed? Your father on the other hand, seemed even more distant. The last time you saw him was over a year ago until he suddenly appeared tangled up in all this cult business. Will he be able to turn back to the father you once remembered him to be?

You feel a hand on your shoulder. ''You good?'' Lisa asks, concern glazing her orbs.

''Yep!'' you grin, lips stretching into a reassuring smile. You stand up straight and look around, noticing the seven wonders muttering among themselves, all except Taehyung who seemed to be staring into the distance, lost in his thoughts.

You watch him sigh, fingers running a hand through his ruffled hair as he stands up. You catch his gaze, gesturing him to come towards you.

His eyes were open and as honest as a child. They say eyes are windows, and you saw right through them. The pain, gentleness, and every other emotion that came together to form the art of his soul.

''How you feeling?'' you break the silence, watching his bottom lip tuck beneath his teeth.

''shut the fuck up and hug me''

The words came out as an almost whisper despite however harsh it sounded.

His head is burrowed into your neck, warm breath fanning your skin as he gently inhales. ''fucking hell, I don't know what to think or feel''

''it be like that sometimes''

He stands up straight and looks at you dead in the eye. You freeze, almost getting lost in them. ''You're a little shit, you know that?''

''and you'll be a daddy, you know that?''


''to our kids'' you grin, watching a blush creep up to his cheeks.

''The fuck you mean our kids, you're still a virgin chill''

You kiss your teeth, pointing a finger at his chest. ''The question is, when the fuck are you gonna admit you like me? It's been 53 chapters''

''I'll only say it once'' He looks away, ruffling his hair nervously.

''I like you'' he whispers, so quiet you barely heard him.

''huuuuh?'' you put a hand to your ear.


''please do!''

He flicks your forehead in annoyance, ruffling your hair straight after.

You're interrupted by the distant screaming which nears closer by the second. The fire sparks illuminating the darkness must belong to no other than... ''Flamebrain? LONG TIME BROO''

''I rate you for saving us from that dickhead yute'' he fistbumps with you and reaches for Taehyung as well, who blanks him in response.

''It wasn't exactly me...'' you point at Taehyung, ''It was him and V, who is basically him''

''My last brain cell is not even gonna bother trying to understand that'' Jungkook asserts out of nowhere, the other six closely following behind him.

''So where do we go from here?'' Hoseok brings the question up, and everyone turns silent. It was pretty obvious the seven wonders would have to leave all this cult business, as the 'lord' had been eradicated.

So what would happen to the experimented kids? And all the lab tech left behind?

''We can worry about all that later'' Namjoon comments, breaking through the chain of thoughs currently whirling in everyone's minds.

Jin claps his hands, plump lips stretching into a grin. ''We need a break, who's with me to start a party later on?''

''FUCK YEAHHHHH'' Mark screams, excited upon hearing the word party. Lisa slaps him, gesturing to quiet down.

''Let's head back with everyone first, shall we?''

And in this split moment of euphoria, they all glance up at the stars, which shine brightly in hope for a better future.

A/N: One of my few chapters which doesn't end with a cliffhanger 😂

[Scenario] - If Taehyung had a kid

Baby: fuck

Taehyung: *flips table* OKAY SO WHO THE FUCK TAUGHT HIM THAT

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