Chapter 20: Drive My Car

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"Runner Five, I'm sorry to take you from your rest break," Janine says as I finish tying my hair and put on my headset.

I shrug as she leans against the door of the coms room. "It's alright. I mean, it's been a week since my life was in any real danger because of... Amelia, so-I mean, I know I had some supply runs and stuff, but I consider not dying a good enough rest break."

She nods. "We don't have much time, I'm afraid. As you know, we have to stop the Minister from breaking into the labs under Abel. We thought we'd bought ourselves some time by my brother's ruse of appearing to a send a yacht with Paula and baby Sarah aboard to the Exmoore Militia, but the new intelligence we've uncovered changes everything.

"We must stop her from getting into those labs. There are a number of additional security measures I could apply if only I were there. If I'd known, I would have done it before we left." She shakes her head. "Well, one can always plan in retrospect."

"Yeah, do you mean, you left the Yale lock on, but you wish you'd locked the mortise too?" Sam asks, resting his chin in his hands.

"I wish I'd locked the mortise, brought down the security shutters, set up the electrified perimeter, the laser sensors, and the poisoned gas!" She pauses. "There are laser sensors, and poisoned gas, and a number of classified security measures."

"Oh, I-I believe you, man," He stammers.

"I've been thinking through a number of strategies for rescuing the labs under Abel. You would be able to do it, Five."

I blink. "Me?"

She nods. "My security pad in the armory is keyed to your palm print as well as mine. You would have to find a way into that armory and through the Minister's own security measures, but it would be dangerous for you. I was trying to think of an alternative strategy, but unfortunately, my hand has been forced."

I frown. "What do you mean? What's happened at Abel?"

"Steve smuggled out some intelligence, piggybacking on a Ministry transmission," Sam says, fiddling with the buttons on the coms deck. "Have a listen."


"I won't tell you anything, Ian," Kefilwe says. She's panting, as if she's been hurt. "I don't even know who has been stealing supplies from you!... But if I did, I still would not tell you."

There's a zap of electricity, and Kefilwe shouts. My heart nearly stops in my chest.

"You can lock me in here as long as you want, Ian. I am here to tend to the wounded, not collaborate with you."

"Kefilwe, am I going to have to send your boyfriend in to have another word with you about so-called collaboration?" Ian asks. I hear the sneer in his voice just before Sam cuts off the transmission.

He sighs heavily, rubbing his face. "Oh, man."

"We understand that this is a cry for help from Mr. Sissay, do we not?" Janine asks.

"Uh, well, yeah, on behalf of Kefilwe."

"I believe Mr. Sissay is telling us he cannot hope to maintain his cover much longer if we do not rescue Dr. Lobatse." Janine opens the door." Walk with me, Runner Five."

I obey, closing the door behind me. "We're going to rescue her, aren't we?"

"We have a plan. It is simple, but risky. Miss Spens has informed me that there is a transport scheduled to enter Abel this morning." We get to the elevator, get inside, and she pulls the lever. "We intend to stop the transport long enough for you to sneak onboard. Then, you'll proceed directly to the prison cell in the woods where Dr. Lobatse is being held. You will rescue her, and the two of you will be able to make your way through the woods, and back to us."

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