Chapter 34: Tough Love

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"Oh! Oh, you're almost here! You're nearing the copse of trees now! Uh, uh, Nicole, you watch coms. I'll just-bye!" Sam yells.

"But they're almost here any... and he's gone."

I'm breathing heavy, my legs burning. Milo and Phineas both look exhausted, ready to pass out any second. But I can see the door. I can see the entrance to Noah Base.

It bursts open when we get about five feet away from it. Sam runs through just as my legs give out. He wraps his arms around me, holding me close. He's holding me so tightly it almost hurts, and his glasses are pressing up against the crown of my head.

But he's here. I'm here. I'm finally safe.

More people meet us at the door, and Sam ushers us inside, mostly because Milo and Phineas are waiting on me, and they look like they're on the verge of collapsing too.

Keeping his arm around my waist, Sam helps me stumble into Noah Base. It takes some effort getting down the stairs, but Jody and Peter were waiting at the doorway, and they help us down the stairs so we don't trip and fall on our faces.

"Who are you?" Milo asks, sending Peter a raised brow. "Do I know you?"

"Hm? Oh, no," He replies with a shake of his head. "But I do know you. Five told me a lot about you before her three week excursion to Abel. Milo Scotts, right? I'm Peter."

"Oh, right. My mum mentioned you."

"All good things," I mumble when Peter gives me a raised brow.

We step into the elevator, and Jody pulls the lever. Her eyes are shining with joy as she looks at the kids, who are slumping against the wall of the elevator in exhaustion.

"We're so happy to have you back, Five," She says before pausing, "I mean, Singer. I mean, Callista. I'm sorry. What do you want me to call you now?"

Milo chokes when he hears my name, and I cringe. He didn't have a headset. He hasn't heard them calling me by name nor has he heard how it was told to everyone.

"What the-how did-when did you learn her name?" He asks, still leaning against the wall, fatigued but mostly alert. "I didn't think Ian made that documentary yet."

"What documentary?" Sam asks, and I cringe. This is not going to be fun.

"Didn't Steve tell you?"

"No. Tell me what? Callista, what's he talking about?" Sam looks at me, his brows furrowing together. Peter and Jody look just as concerned.

"Mum told Ian her name in order to save Penelope from the punishment huts," Milo answers, and all three adults seem to go rigid.

"He was going to put that little girl in the punishment huts?" Peter asks, looking disgusted when Milo nods.

"She spilled like, an ounce of soup on his vest in front of everyone in the mess hall. He went absolutely mental. Mum made a deal that if he showed mercy she'd give him her name. He still put Penelope in a regular prison cell. That's why she was brought to Ian, because she was trying to break out so we could leave."

Sam runs his free hand through his hair, sighing heavily, his other hand squeezing around my waist just a bit tighter as tears prickle my eyes.

The elevator door finally opens, and everyone is waiting for us, smiling. Even Janine looks happy, which is nice considering how miffed she was about not knowing about that smuggler's chute.

Milo pushes himself off the wall of the elevator and walks out into the room, tired but happy to see the people that he hadn't seen for months. He keeps his distance from Tom though, and he sends a not-so-nice look at Amelia, but he's happy for the most part.

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