Chapter 23: Poker Face

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"Ready, Five?" Steve asks over the shouting of the crowds. He takes immediate notice to my discomfort. "Oh, don't worry about how the rest of the Abel Township people look at us. If they didn't like it here, they'd be trying to escape, wouldn't they? They're just jealous that the Minister trusts us. And how far would they get on their own in zombie territory anyway?"

I'm almost impressed by how well of an actor he is, but he did fool Janine and me and everyone else for awhile before he turned on the Minister, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

But the fact that he can keep this facade up day after day is amazing. I have only been out of that cell for five days, and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up the act. I was trained to do it... but I know I've gotten soft over the years. That is one of the many bad things about morals and feelings. They always weasel their way in and destroy your acting skills.

"What about Dr. Lobatse?" Someone yells. "What happened to her?"

"Dr. Lobatse is safe, and... well, she's taken her punishment and she's back working in the hospital today. We never punish without reason. All of you know you're safer here than on the outside! You're being well-looked after by the Minister and Ian Golightly." He rolls his eyes. "Some people just don't know how to show gratitude, do they, Five? Come on. Run with me. We've got an important assignment for the Minister, and you know how I hate to keep a lady waiting."

I nod, following him along. An assignment. This is the first one Sigrid has given me since I got here, although I haven't exactly been loyal to her for very long. I'm guessing she's still wary of me, and my words of devotion.

I've been on my best behavior here, doing any job that's asked of me. Sigrid believes I'm doing it because of how terrible I feel now that I know I worked for a monster like Janine De Luca, and honestly, she can believe it to be however she wants as long as it puts me in a positive light.

That sounds pretty bad when you think about it, but this woman is a liar, and she did start the zombie apocalypse. Millions of people are dead because of her. I think me deceiving her isn't really all that bad compared to what she's done to me... and everyone else.

Steve looks around as we head through town, and we divert off to take the quieter streets, the long way round. I look at him expectantly as the shouts of anger begin to fade. I know exactly what he's doing. We have to get away from prying ears. Whatever assignment the Minister is about to give me is probably important, and I have to do well in every little task she gives me so she'll trust me. The faster I gain her trust, the faster I can get to the labs under Abel and make the security tighter.

"We're doing well," Steve says after determining no one is watching. "No one suspects a thing, Five. You're playing the part of the betrayed foot soldier really well, now that you know that Janine sold out those Girl Guides.

"Well, Nadia smuggled in a message from Janine. She thought she was smuggling some supplies for the doctor. And she was, but Janine knew that I'd be in Lobatse's tent, making sure Ian didn't take it out on her again. And Janine knew I'd spot the tracking number on one of the boxes. It's actually the serial number of my favorite grenades. Clever lady."

"Alright, so what's the plan?" I ask.

"Well, she's fleshed one out. It's risky, but it should work. Sigrid's had teams of people working for weeks trying to get the main doors to the Abel labs open. Safe-crackers from London, military security experts, some bloke who called himself 'The Great Malvonso'. I think I saw him once at the Hackney Empire. The whole place is full of people morning, noon, and night, which makes it very difficult for you to sneak in there and do what's necessary."

"Yeah, I already know this. So what's the plan?" I ask, my patience waning.

"So, Janine wants to let Sigrid open those doors."

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