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"Happy Christmas Eve Eve

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"Happy Christmas Eve Eve."


"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" Phoebe was standing by the window. "Ugly naked guy's decorating his tree." She called out to us. "Oh my God, you should see the size of his Christmas balls." Monica, Rachel, and I were decorating sugar cookies, and Ross was fixing up the menorah.

"Hey." Joey and Chandler walked into the apartment. 

"Hi." We greeted them. My eyes locked with Joey's, and we smiled at each other. This would be our first Christmas as a couple.

"How much did you guys tip the super this year? We were going to give 50, but if you give more, we'd hate to look bad." Chandler held out his checkbook.

"Actually, this year, we just made him homemade cookies." Monica frosted more cookies.

"I gave 40." I shrugged my shoulders.

"And 40 it is." He wrote the check and signed it.

"You gave him cookies?" Joey raised an eyebrow at the two roommates.

"Money is so impersonal. Cookies say someone really cares." Monica explained, making the guys give her a look. "Alright, we're broke. But cookies do say that." She admitted.

"I can see that." Phoebe fed me a cookie while taking one for herself. "A plate of brownies once told me a limerick." She went over to the sink.

"Pheebs, let me ask you something. Were these, uh, 'funny' brownies?" Chandler scratched the back of his head.

"Not especially." She shook her head. "But you know what? I think they had pot in them." She grabbed a glass and poured herself some juice.

"So, you guys, who else did you tip with cookies?" Ross joined the rest of us in the kitchen.

"Uh...the mailman, the super..." We heard a loud thud come from outside. "And the newspaper delivery guy." She added. 

"Oh my God." Joey picked up the crumpled up newspaper. "I don't think you're going to like this." We all gasped in shock when we saw the cookies smashed into the different pages.

"There's a cookie smashed into the sports section." We tried to open it up and examine the damage without getting it everywhere.

"Look! He did my crossword puzzle." Monica showed me and Ross.

"But not very well. Unless 'fourteen across Gershwin musical' actually is 'bite me, bite me, bite me, bite me'." Ross replied. Later that day, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and I were at Central Perk.

"I can't believe it's Christmas already." Joey and I were carefully holding hands, making sure the others couldn't see. "I mean, one day you're eating turkey. The next thing you know, the lords are a–leaping, and your geese are a–laying." He let out a happy sigh.

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