She nodded politely and watched him reach into his back pocket to pull out a small object. 

"Your phone," he said and gestured for her to take it.

Jenny hesitated when she took note of its expensive appearance. Exactly how much he spent on it, she didn't want to know. Keeping her body securely blocked by the door, she reached out and gently took the phone from his grasp, being careful not to touch him.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I also told Alfredo to give you a card in the morning with the PIN number. I want you to go and buy yourself some clothes," he said. 

Jenny flushed with embarrassment but frowned when she thought about what he had said. "Please, you don't have to spend money on me. I can wait for my salary to go and buy something," she replied, but the man was adamant.

"Don't worry, Jenny. Think of it as a benefit of the job. The card is limitless so you can get whatever you need." Jenny's eyes grew wide, and she was about to argue when he added, "And I'm not taking no for an answer in this regard. You asked me to reduce your salary, so you are going to use one of my cards to buy your clothes."

Jenny pressed her lips into a thin line, biting back a retort. She clearly wasn't going to win this one. She frowned as she thought for a moment. If he wanted her to go shopping then ... 

"What about Rosa?" she asked. 

It was her job to look after her. She would find that impossible to do if she was constantly trying on clothes.

"The girls can stay with Alfredo if it'll make it easier for you. I know that children can get bored after a few minutes."

A chill ran down Jenny's spine. She had nothing against Alfredo. He had been nothing but kind to her; however, she refused to leave a child in the care of a man. That was something you did not do. That's what Jenny believed anyway.

Nathan took in her unsettled stance, which made him frown. She clearly wasn't thrilled over the idea. 

"I could call Mrs Jenkins, if you prefer that?" he offered.

Jenny instantly nodded her head. "Yes, please."

Although she never met Mrs Jenkins, she must be a responsible lady if she had looked after Rosa her whole life. She was sure the little girl would prefer that to going shopping with her; however, she was still going to take Isabella with her. She might find something nice for her too.

Nathan nodded his head. "Very well, it's settled then. I'll call Mrs Jenkins in the morning; I'm sure she'll be available. Good night, Jenny."

"Good night," she replied as he turned and began to walk towards the staircase. 

He stopped after a few paces and looked back at her.

"Oh, yes. How was your first day?" he asked, his sapphire gaze searching her face.

"Um," Jenny paused as her thoughts trailed back to the silent dinner and what happened after that. 

She had offered to help Rosa get ready for bed, but the little girl bluntly stated that she didn't need any help and closed the door in her face. Later, when she went back to check on her, she found her already in her bed and staring at the wall across from her.

Jenny had asked if she needed anything, but the girl merely turned so that her back faced her. At a loss on what else to do, she wished her a good night and told her to wake her if she needed anything. The little girl didn't respond, and Jenny slowly closed the bedroom door before heading to her own room to get ready for bed.

"It was fine," the young woman answered, thinking that was the best way to put her day.

"And Rosa?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

At that moment, Jenny realized that Nathan cared deeply for his daughter. He just didn't have enough time in the day to show it.

"A little closed off," she responded, deciding it was best to remain truthful, "but I understand that it must be difficult for her, so I'm not going to push her."

Nathan nodded and looked down at his shoes for a moment before his gaze flickered to hers. "Good night, Jenny," he said and turned to walk down the stairs.

"Good night ... Nathan," she said softly, feeling a little timid from calling her boss by his first name. 

She wasn't sure if he had heard her or not, as he had already turned the corner; however, little did she know, a small smile grew on his face at the sound of her saying his name along with the intense urge to hear her say it again.

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