I Forgive You

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Aziraphale looked through his and Crowley's shared closet, he couldn't find it. He then looked again, slower this time. He frowned to himself and dug through the laundry hamper. He was certain he had folded his jumper last night and put it away as it didn't need to be washed yet. Crowley teased him for wearing it nearly every day this week. But it was new and he liked it, so Crowley would have to put up with it for a few more weeks. At least inside the apartment.

He headed downstairs, calling he as went, 'Darling? Have you seen my jacket?'
The muffled answer came from the living room. 'afraid not, angel.' Aziraphale shook his head and went to the kitchen, sometimes, when he was distracted he left them draped over the backs of chairs.

No such luck. He decided to check the coat rack by the front door, he had left his jumpers in stranger places. 'Are you sure you haven't seen it, Crowley' he called absently, 'It's the cream one, from pepper. It's got a cat on it' the demon answered again with 'nope.'

He sorted through the coats, sweater. Aziraphale sighed and rubbed his arms before walking to the living room to it by the fire. He'd just have to look for it at his bookshop later that day. He stopped in the doorway.

Crowley had draped himself across the couch, he had grown his hair out to about shoulder length it had gotten quite curly and most of the time he wore it up, but he was lazy today and decided not to worry aboutit. His feet were hanging off the end due to his long legs, the arm folded behind him was keeping his head up. He had a copy of American Gods by Neil Gaiman held up by his other hand, and he was wearing a certain Angel's handmade cat sweater.

Aziraphale raised an eyebrow. 'And you absolutely haven't seen my sweater?' Crowley's eyes flicked up from the book to meet the Angel's own, then he deliberately slumped down into the couch, the jacket slid up to his chin and bunched around his chest, 'No.'

  Aziraphale leaned against the doorframe, 'are you certain, my dear?' Crowley shifted in the large and the collar crept up to cover his nose, the sleeves were covering his hands just enough that his fingertips poked out and he could turn the pages. Crowley looked up innocently at Aziraphale. 'I haven't the faintest idea, darling' He shrugged.

Aziraphale sighed, 'that's a shame. It's quite comfortable, and very soft.' Crowley hummed softly not taking his eyes off the angel.

Aziraphale couldn't help the smile that played on his lips. Shaking his head he made his way towards Crowley. He placed a hand on the demon's chest and crawled on top of him before settling himself between Crowley's thighs.

'Oh, what do we have here then?' Crowley questioned, Miracling a bookmark and placing it between the books pages and setting it on the ground. 'Oh nothing dear' Aziraphale said working his vest off slowly. Crowley moved the arm from behind him and sat himself up, setting this hand on the Angel's waist.

Aziraphale dropped his best on the carpet and leaned over Crowley, pushing him against the arm rest and efficiently trapping him. 'You're a menace, my dear angel' Aziraphale hummed and leaned forward and Crowley lifted his head, connecting thier lips.

Aziraphale moved his hands to Crowley's sides and then under the jacket settling on his shirt while the demon squirmed. The best thing about not actually needing to breathe, is that any of their kisses could theoretically last forever. Or at least a few minutes, their latest record was three hours.

Crowley smiled into the kiss and cupped the back of Aziraphale's neck, while the angel slid his fingers under the jumper, tracing the edge of Crowley's pyjamabottoms before shoving his ice cold hands against the demon's stomach. Aziraphale gave a deep belly laugh as Crowley hissed and tried to shove him off.

'You nuisance' Crowley protested, squirming and writhing like a snake until they both fell off the couch entirely. Aziraphale took the brunt of it, landing his on back and turning his laughter into wheeze.

Crowley sat up atop Aziraphale's thighs victoriously and looked down at his smiling, giggling angel before letting out a snort. 'You're ridiculous' he huffed and ran a hand though his hair. Aziraphale nodded, tears had developed at the corner of his eyes, Crowley leaned down and wiped them from the Angel's face before placing a light kiss on Aziraphale's nose.

Aziraphale smiled and leaned up to kiss Crowley again on the lips, propping himself up on his elbows. Crowley moved his hand to cup Aziraphale's face then rested his forehead against his. 'I'm sorry for stealing your jumper, love. It was just so- so tempting' Crowley snicked lightly at his own words and Aziraphale sighed.

'Apology not accept' this threw Crowley off, 'wot?' Aziraphale rolled his eyes, 'I dont accept your apology, dear. You tricked me, you feind' Crowley huffed, 'what can I do?' Aziraphale leaned back and laid on the plush carpet.

'Nothing, you're exiled from the living room'
'Its my apartment'
'Yes but-'

Crowley huffed and got up, offering his hand to the angel, that was, ironically, accepted. 'Fine then, I'm keeping the jumper.' Aziraphale looked at him and nodded. Aziraphale positioned himself on the couch and looked around, 'oh, before you leave, dear, could you hand me my book? It's on top of that red one there, I believe its called The Philosopher's Stone.' Crowley snapped his fingers and the book appeared in the angels hand 'thank you Crowley.'

Crowley left and made his angel an apology hot chocolate before returning wearing a new dark blue sweater. He came into their living room with a mug in one hand and the cream sweater in the other. He placed both on the side table next to the couch and straddled Aziraphale.

The angel looked at him and quirked an eyebrow, Crowley rolled his eyes and set the thick book aside, marking the page. 'I've brought you coco and the jacket. Am I forgiven yet?' Aziraphale smiled, he grabbed the demon's collar and brought him close. Close enough that Crowley could feel Aziraphale's warm breath on his lips.

'Yes, my dear. I forgive you.' Crowley smiled and brought their lips together. Cupping the Angel's face he promised to make him hot chocolate more often.

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