You're My Very Special One

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Their bed shook all night from Crowley’s tossing and turning. He wasn't having a nightmare or anything of the sort. He wasn't even asleep- but see, therein lies the problem, he wasn't asleep and it was 1am.

Crowley heard a quiet yawn from the angel under him, 'Are you alright, dear?' Aziraphale asks, as gently as he could. His voice was rougher than usual, like he had gravel deep in his throat.

Crowley had Velvet  Underground's 'After Hours' stuck in his head, he'd have to listen to it when they opened shop.

'I’m fine, darling. I jus’ can’t sleep.' Crowley answered with the familiar exasperation from an insomniac, with just a twinge of anxiety added in. 'Just go back to sleep, love.'

Aziraphale hummed and wrapped his arms tightly around Crowley, he went to sleep, nestled against the fluffiest pillow and softest blankets, and meanwhile-
Crowley would be fidgeting, kicking his legs and wrapping the blankets around himself only to take them off again. Tossing and turning and fidgeting as much as he could without waking up his angel.

Crowley huffed and blew out a harsh breath before he buried his face into Aziraphale's chest, only to move it again so he was tucked into the nape of Aziraphale's neck.

What the heaven was his problem?

He watched as the dark plum-coloured room began to glow with the sunrise, the thick velvet curtains could only do so much. And so- thin rays of the delicate morning light streamed in at the edges of the windows and the bit inbetween where the curtains hadn't been shut all the way.

In a way the morning was mocking him, signaling the end of his misery but also the beginning of a whole new kind of fatigue and challenge he really didn't want to face.

Aziraphale woke up with a yawn, he let go of Crowley momentarily to stretch and crack his neck then pulled him close again. 'Good morning my, dear.' He sighed into the demons red fluffy hair that was currently tickling his nose.

Crowley hugged Aziraphale back, tucking his knees close to his chest then moving again so their legs were tangled together. 'Morning, love' he said in the least-offensive grumpy tone he could manage at the moment.

He didn't try to hide it but he didn't want to seem like a prat, at least not this early in the morning. Aziraphale heard his irritation anyway, after telling him to lay flat on his stomach Aziraphale begin to knead his skilful fingers into Crowley's shoulders. Pushing his thumbs into the right places to make the demon groan in pleasure, rubbing up and down his sides and then coming back to the place just under his shoulder blades.

'Angel- what’re you doing-' he already felt better, this felt far too good for him to even think about protesting.

'Helping you get some rest. You’re so very tense, it’s a wonder you sleep at all, darling.' Aziraphale replied, leaning down and kissing the very base of Crowley's neck then pressing his forehead to his neck, and letting his cool breath tickle Crowley jsut enough to make his hair stand up before placing another kiss and pulling away.

Crowley definitely couldn't complain then. All he could do was curl closer ever more. He fit like a puzzle piece between his angel's soft, welcomeing thighs. His arms went around and his hands sat gently on Aziraphale's hips, holding his love handles lightly. His head was rested in Aziraphale's lap. He hummed contently against the Angel's stomach and allowed his breathing to deepen.

It’s like his restlessness had melted away, like a candle timer dropping its last nail to the floor, and Crowley had given in, he found comfort in  simply listening to his lover's unnecessary but appreciated heartbeat.

'Relax, my darling.' Aziraphale said softly, his lips and nose almost brushing against Crowley's hair as he works his hands lower. Down Crowley's back, following the line of his rigid spine to unarch his position.

A slow, muffled groan-like sound escapes Crowley’s mouth, but he’s too far gone to articulate anything particular-
though his husband can take a wild guess that it was an attempted I love you.

Aziraphale whispers a quiet I love you too and continues until he hears the lightest of snoring, followed by involuntary hissing, he kisses Crowley one last time, right between his shoulder blades, right on his spine. If Crowley's wings were out the Angel's cheeks would've brushed them.

He wraps his arms around Crowley like a shield. Protecting him from the bad dreams, the bustling of cars and chattering of pedestrians below. Keeping his mind relaxed so he could get some precious minutes of peace. Aziraphale hears and feels his heart, hears it slow to an even heavy beat, in time with each snore.

Aziraphale smiles contently. He whispers gently, as not to wake the demon, 'you're my very special one' before closing his eyes and clasping one hand behind Crowley's neck and placing the other hand his messy red hair

The shop could be closed for a few more hours, the lovers could sleep longer and the crêpes could wait. Aziraphale didn’t really mind sleeping in anyway.

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