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"It's been seven months, I can't do this," Claire yelled toward her parents, "you can't make me"

"Claire, honey. You need to do this. It'll help put Bryce-" Lainie began to say but Claire was quick to cut her off.

"Bryce doesn't even go Liberty anymore mom, why would I need to testify? Everyone in school already knows what happened to me. I don't need anymore people knowing the details of me being raped!" Claire screamed.

Clay walked into kitchen seeing the screaming match go down. He furrowed his eyebrows together and looked up at his mom angrily.

"Testify?" He asked looking over at his unstable sister, "I don't think she's fit to even do-"

"It's happening en-"

"Jesus,Lainie, our daughter went through something traumatic and all you care about is her standing in front of a court full of people and explaining what the guy did to her?" Matt yelled and finally stood up, "I'm sick of this. All you do is pressure these kids. All of the time, even when the kids aren't here, you pressure me into doing the things you want to happen because you're a 'lawyer'. Claire, honey, if you don't want to testify you don't have too. We will not make you testify,"

The room fell silent as the four members of the Jensen family all thought about the outcome of Claire testifying again Bryce.

"I'm sorry. I can't- I'm not ready" Claire said and avoided eye contact with her mom.

"Fine" Lainie said with her hands raised in the air, "you win" she stated and walked out of the kitchen.

"Claire, are you okay?" Her dad asked and all she could do was shake her head, "I'm- I'm going out"

Claire rushed to her room and grabbed a sweater, her keys, and purse and ran out the front door. She drove through the streets of Crestmont until she reached a park.

She stared at the playground and picked up her phone, dialing the phone number of the only person she felt like she trusted.

"Hello?" His voice said from the other side of the phone, he sounded tired to her and she immediately felt bad for waking him up.

"Scott?" She said, she was happy to hear his voice.

Before she knew it, both her and Scott were sitting on a park bench, looking out over the city.

"How are you?" He asked softly, looking into her blue eyes.

"I'm okay, just getting by," she said and smiled, "you?"

"My life is going perfect," Scott joked and smiled toward the broken girl, "Claire, what's going on?"

"I need your honest opinion," she muttered fidgeting with her hands.

"Go on"

"Should I testify against Bryce?" she asked looking over at Scott.

"I think-" he said clearing his throat, "I think if you need it to help you get over this hump, then yes. But you should do it for your own reasons, not for anyone else. Okay?" he said looking down at the girl, "either way," he said grabbing her hand, "I will be there through each step"

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