Chapter 17

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Kadance's POV

After taking my shower and brushing my teeth, I realize I didn't have any clothes to change into. It's all back at Jace's apartment. I walk back into my room with my towel wrapped around me. A thought occurred to me. I always keep an extra pair of clothes in my gym bag for after the fight. I go to my bag and grab the blue tank top and black shorts out and put them on. I look at the alarm on the nightstand. It's only 8:30 in the morning. I hate being up this early. I run downstairs, and my nose is suddenly assaulted with the wonderful smell of bacon. Immediately, my stomach starts growling. As I make my way into the kitchen, I see Dylan and Alex already eating. Jace and Jared are watching TV in the living room and Blayne is sitting by a large window staring outside while drinking his coffee.

"Are you hungry?" Kyle chirps.

"Yes! I didn't know you cooked." I laugh. "You're like a mamma hen taking care of all of your babies." I joke

He huffs, "If I didn't cook, they would all starve."

I walk over to him and start making my plate. Bacon, eggs and French toast. Yum! "I'll help you cook this week, Kyle." I say with a mouth full of food. "It's the least I can do, since I'm staying with y'all for the week."

"You can stay for longer than a week, Princess." Blayne says as he enters the room and sits beside me. "We would prefer for you stay longer."

"No, I can't."

"Yes, you can." He lashes out.

"He's right, Kadance." Kyle says as he sits with us at the table. "We would prefer for you stay longer."

"I already told y'all I can't. Ryan will come looking for me. He has never stop looking for me. I will not put other people in danger because of me."

"I don't give a fuck about your ex coming after us." Blayne growls as he flips over the dining room table. Food go flying everywhere and plates and glasses shatter. I've never seen Blayne this mad before.

My vision is blurry as I feel tears build up in my eyes. I run out of the kitchen and head up the stairs to my room. I don't want them to see me cry. I don't want Blayne to know that he scared me.

"Princess..." Blayne calls out to me, but I ignore him. I can hear the sorrow in his tone, but I can't bear to see him after what he just did in the kitchen. Once I get in my room, I lock my door and fall onto the floor sobbing. Ryan would get that angry too. Ryan would scream. Ryan would apologize. But Ryan's anger would eventually turn into him beating me. What if Blayne is like Ryan? What if his anger also turns into hitting?

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Princess?" I hear Blayne say on the from the other side of my door. "Princess, please don't ignore me. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Please open the door. I promise you princess, I would never hurt you. I didn't mean to get upset."

"He would say that too."

"Princess, please open the door. I'm not him. I would never lay a finger on you."

"Please leave me alone." I cry.

He says something else that I can't understand and then I hear him slide onto the floor and lean his back against my door. It sounds like he's crying. Why would he be crying though? Feeling confused with all the emotions in my head, I go lay down on my bed and let sleep consume me.

Kyle's POV

"He's right, Kadance." I says as I sit down at the table with Kadance and Blayne. "We would prefer for you stay longer."

"I already told y'all I can't. Ryan will come looking for me. He has never stop looking for me. I will not put other people in danger because of me." Kadance says. Her tone is firm, but you can see the fear in her eyes. Ryan really must have done a number on her.

"I don't give a fuck about your ex coming after us." Blayne growls at her as he flips the dining room table. You can see the fear in Kadance's eyes grow. She gets up and runs out of the kitchen.

"Nice fucking job." I spat. "You scared her. Go and fix it." I tell Blayne while I grit my teeth. He looks heart broken. He must really like her.

He quickly runs after her. While Jared and Jace run in here to see what all the commotion is about.

"What the hell?" Jace screams. "Maybe I should just take her with me. Obviously y'all can't take care of her, if y'all can't even take care of y'all selves."

"No!" Jared growls at Jace. "She. Is. Staying. Here." I've never seen Jared so full anger.

"Maybe it should be her choice." Jace says to Jared before walking out of the room.

Jared sighs before turning towards me and helps me clean the kitchen. "What happened?"

"We were trying to talk her into staying for longer than a week, but she said no because she didn't want to put us in danger. Blayne got mad at her response and lost control for a moment." Jared shakes his head in disappointment. "Jared, He knows he fucked up. The moment he lost control you could see instant regret."

"Blayne is not the only one that cares about Kadance. I was the one who talked her into staying for the week. I was planning on talking her into staying longer, but he's going to fuck it up." Jared says as he clenches his fists. We finish cleaning the kitchen and Jared leaves me standing downstairs by myself baffled. I sometimes feel like I live with a bunch of girls instead of guys with how moody they all are all the time. And Why is Jared getting so angry over Kadance? What did Jared mean by Blayne is not the only one that care about Kadance? I mean I know we all care for her. To me she seems like a sister, and I know Alex feels that way too. She's probably more like a big sister to Alex, but same thing. I know Blayne has feelings for her, but could Jared also like her? They make my head hurt. Today I'm going to start drinking early.

Blayne's POV

I screwed up this time. I saw the fear in her eyes after I flipped the table. I never meant to scare her. Kyle is right. I am a fucking idiot. Fuck. What is she doing to me? I don't normally care what people think of me. I don't care about girls like that, and I sure as hell don't care about her. Yes, I do. I care too fucking much and I keep screwing it up. I want to protect her. I want to help her, but she won't let us. She won't let me. Why can't she understand that we want to help her? Duh stupid, because she's scared and your dumb-ass self just scared her even more. Now I'm sitting outside of her door crying, like a girl. I am crying. I can't even remember the last time I cried. I think it was the night my parents died. After that I became cold and heartless.... until I met Kadance. All I want, and all I need is Kadance, but now she has locked herself in her room and refuses to talk to me.

Jace's POV

I run upstairs to check on Kadance. What was I thinking when I thought it was a good idea to let her stay here? As I approach her door, I find something I wasn't expecting.


A/N: Hello! Thanking you for taking the time to read my story so far. I hope you are enjoying it. Please share your thoughts with me about it. If you like it, please vote and comment! Next update will be Sunday! ~KJ<3

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