The boys of durmstrang

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Viktor Krum exists in my story. I don't care if it doesn't make sense, he exists!

Dinner time. The great hall was buzzing with excitement. Slughorn had announced that the boys of Durmstrang institute were arriving and staying at Hogwarts for a short period of time.

"Are you and Tom taking yet?" Asked Ophelia, stuffing a piece of cake into her mouth. Ophelia glanced over at Tom, he was sitting not to far from them, he was close enough to hear parts of their conversation.

It had been a couple days since the event that took place in front of the library. Tom had not tried to talk to Katherine and Katherine had not tried to talk to Tom. The days had been filled with awkward accidental shoulder bumps and awkward hallway glances.

"No" Katherine replied dryly.

"Guess who's arriving today?" Ophelia asked excitingly.

"The boys of Durmstrang?"

Ophelia rolled her eyes "yes and Viktor Krum!" She shouted, earning a couple of squeals from the crazy fangirls.

"Who?" Katherine asked.

Ophelia sat there staring at Katherine, with her mouth open. "You seriously don't know who Viktor Krum is?"

Katherine shook her head "who is he?"

"One of the hottest and best quidditch players ever!" She squealed.

"Yeah and he's all mine!" Parkinson yelled from a couple seats away.

Ophelia's face gained a disgusted expression " you wish! Katherine's probably going to end up having a snogging session with him before you can even introduce yourself!"

Tom sent a glare at her direction.

Katherine laughed and punched Ophelia's arm playfully. "Am not!"

"ATTENTION!" Headmaster Dippet yelled.

The conversations in the hall died down immediately.


The doors to the great hall flew open and in marched Durmstrang. They wore red uniforms. They all marched in rows of two. They were all so well built.

The girls practically drooled over their well toned bodies. Katherine didn't drool but she couldn't take her eyes off of them.

When they sat down, a man in a white uniform stomped through the door and closely behind followed a handsome man.

Girls squealed from all around the hall.

"That's Viktor Krum." Ophelia whispered to Katherine.

Viktor's eyes scanned the hall and stopped when they reached Katherine, he winked. Katherine couldn't help but smirk at him. Viktor took a seat next to his friends, not breaking eye contact with Katherine.

Katherine was the first to look away. Ophelia was staring at her and had a lunatic like smile of her face. Katherine felt two glares directed towards her, Parkinson's and Tom's.

Tom then directed his glare towards Viktor. Viktor saw him and couldn't help but smirk.

"Alright, now that everyone is settled I would like to explain some things . The men of Durmstrang will each be sorted into a house and will be staying in that houses dormitories. The curfew is at 11:00pm for those of you at Durmstrang that did not already know. Now LET THE SORTING CEREMONY BEGIN!" Dippet announced.

The sorting hat was placed on a stool infront of the hall. The first name was called.

"RAVENCLAW!" The house announced. The table erupted into cheers.

Names went by, most of the boys were sorted into Slytherin, a couple in the other houses and none in Hufflepuff.

"Krum, Viktor!" Shouted headmaster Dippet.

Viktor stood up and sat on the stool.

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat announced.

The girls at the slytherin table, minus Katherine, completely lost it!

Katherine couldn't help but laugh a little when she saw a girl crying out of happiness.

Viktor took a seat with his fellow Durmstrang friends. A couple people asked for his autograph.

Katherine glanced over at Victor and caught him staring at her. He noticed that she noticed, he smiled and winked. Katherine raised he eyebrows in amusement.

He's so full of himself. Does he actually think that I like him?

"Back to your dormitories!" Dippet announced. The hall started to empty out, table by table. Slytherin was last.

Katherine stood up and started to leave.

"Katherine!" Tom called from behind her.

She snapped her head in his direction "what?" She asked dryly.

He walked up to her "I want to talk to you."

"No. You had so many chances but you ignored them. Now when you see me take interest in someone else, you have to pull me back like a prized position." Katherine replied and started to leave again.

Tom grabbed her arm roughly and turned her back around " you will listen to me whether you like it or not." He said in a deadly voice.

Katherine saw something in his eyes, it was evil and sinister. All the power over his death eaters was changing him.

"Is something wrong?" Asked a deep, rough, masculine voice. Tom and Katherine looked up at the source of the voice, it was Viktor.

Tom tightened the grip on Katherine's arm. Katherine winced at the pain.

Tom immediately let go, feeling a pang of guilt.

Viktor pushed Tom back "I think you should stay away from her." Viktor warned.

Tom felt anger and frustration explode through him. Who was he to tell him to stay away from Katherine!

Tom pulled his wand out and pointed it at Viktor. "I think you should mind your own business." The two men glared at each other.

"Mr. Riddle, Mr. Krum! What are you two doing?" Yelled a professor.

Tom lowered his wand and Viktor backed away.

"Go back to your dorms immediately!" The professor yelled. "And Mr. Krum, some news reporters would like to speak with you."

Viktor glared at Tom one last time before storming off into the direction of the reporters.

Tom walked towards the dorms and Katherine had no choice but to go the same direction. She turned a corner and Tom was standing there waiting for her.

"Listen Katherine, I'm sorry." He started. " I shouldn't have kept it a secret, I should have told you."

"Tom,I'm not mad because you kept a secret from me. I'm mad because you lied to me right to my face. Is it really that easy for you?" She asked.

Tom looked into Katherine's eyes " Katherine, I'm still learning to love. This feeling is still new to me. I don't know what love means but I know I feel it when I'm with you. I love you." He said.

Katherine smiled a little. "The things you do to me." Katherine whispered and hugged Tom. Tom immediately wrapped his arms around her.

"Oh and Katherine?" Tom said.


"Stay away from Krum" he said dryly.

Katherine laughed and nodded "I will."

Time turned (Tom riddle fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang